Lauren came back to find us all giggling. "What's so funny?" "Nothing much, just Nicky-boy is in a mood" informed AJ "Awwh, they been nasty to my baby?" "Yes" said Nick, still in a mood "Awwh, come here" she said, he did, and she gave him a kiss for so long, his knees started to buckle - seriously! "Way to go Frack!" I said from the bed "Huh?" said B, closely followed by Nick "Oh, okay, Lauren and I have known each other for while, we talk on the Internet all the time, and we write letters to each other when I'm banned from the net for using it too much. Anyways, you and Nick call each other Frick and Frack, right?" "Right" answered B "Well, as Lauren likes Nick, I call her Frack, and because I like B, she calls me Frick, simple really, when you think about it" "Pretty cool" said AJ from the corner, holding Brianna. "Hey, what you two up to over there?" I asked "Nothing" they said together, rather guiltily "Oh, yeah right" said Nick. He noticed Lauren's hand moving closer to his head. "Sorry, I couldn't help it - just don't hit me, okay?!" he pleaded, which made us laugh even more. Then a nurse walked in "Okay you lot, our patient here needs some rest, let's leave her to it, shall we" she said, but then realised who she was talking to "Oh my God - you're the Backstreet Boys aren't you?!" "Last time I checked the mirror" replied Kevin. "Oh, you're so funny!" then she gave a little snort, which made me giggle, but thankfully only B heard me, he looked at me, and giggled aswell, but this time everyone heard. "What's so funny?" asked Nick "Nothing" B started "Private joke" I finished "Will you guys sign this for me?" she handed Howie a prescription slip and a pen. "Sure, what's your name, miss?" he asked "Laura" she answered "Cool name" he said as he signed the paper. He handed it to AJ, who signed it, then passed it to Kevin, who then handed it to B, he signed it and gave it to Nick, who signed it and drew a little guy with big bug-eyes. "That's the weirdest thing I've ever signed, even more weird than girls midriffs!" he joked as he handed it back. "Thank you so much, I wish there was some other way I could remember this" "Well, I have my camera, Lauren, will you take the photo? Then just give me your address, and I'll send you a copy when I get the film developed" I handed my camera to Lauren, who took the photo, then Laura gave me her address, and said goodbye to us, and left with a big smile on her face. "It's nice to see that just meeting you guys can brighten up someone's whole day - this'll sound weird, but it was quite moving." I said "What are those drugs doing to you girl?!" "Nothing AJ, I just thought it was really nice, but now I'm running out of film, and my camera takes a different kind of film to other cameras" "Is it one of those APS cameras?" asked Holly. "Yeah, I'm not sure where you can get APS film from here" "AP-what?" asked Nick "Advanced Photo System - you don't have to pull the film round the inside of the camera to load it, you just stick it in the bottom and it does everything automatically" "Cool, I want one of those!" I think I got Nick hooked, he came over and started playing with it, but B saw I was getting tired, well, I did yawn. "But I think we should go, leave my girl to get some peace and quiet. We'll be back soon honey" B said to me as he leaned down to kiss me again, then he turned to leave with the rest of them. "I hope the next time you come back, you have a McDonald's - chicken McNuggets, large fries and a small diet coke in your hands for me!" "Ha, we'll see - get some rest, we'll be back soon" He stood in the doorway for a few minutes, until he realised that I had fallen asleep, the painkillers had made me drowsy. "Sweet dreams" he whispered as he drew the curtain closed behind him. ---------------------------------- (meanwhile, at Jo's house) "No, I'm serious, she spent the whole night in the lift with Brian Littrell!!" "Jo, I don't believe you" "Yeah, like her dad would lie about something like that, they went in the lift after the other one's door closed, with the rest of them in it, so they had to get the other one, but it was faulty, but they didn't know, anyway, they got in, and it stops between the 5th and 6th floors, and the lights go out, they're in complete darkness for the whole night..." "Never!!! Really?" "Yes May, really, but that's the only good news" "What's the bad news?" "The lift cable broke, so the lift fell 5 or 6 floors, Brian is fine, but Lorraine has sprained her ankle, she's in a hospital in Glasgow now, and no doubt Brian is with her" May could sense the jealousy in her friend's voice. "Hey, don't be jealous, just be glad that Lorraine's alive, and Brian aswell for that matter" "You're right, I should be happy for her" "I know I'm right, so do you want to come over, we've just got MTV" "MTV? Cool! What's on right now?" "Um, the Backstreet Boys - 'I'll Never Break Your Heart' " "Well, Brian sure does a good job, even when he says he'll never do it" she was starting to cry "Joanna Deary, don't you even dare start crying, you get your bum round here right now, we're going to have a good time even if it nearly kills us" "I'll bet if you said that to Lorraine this time yesterday, she would have laughed in your face!" she laughed "Yeah I bet she would have, just keep that in mind, it's made you laugh at least, and get round here quick, that Adam Garcia video you love so much is coming up next" "Tape it May, Tape it!!!" "Okay, okay! Just get over here!" "Okay, but I've got to call Lisa first - she won't believe me when I tell her!" _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- "Hi, Lisa?" "Yeah?" "Hi, it's Jo" "Hi " "How are you?" "Fine, you?" "Good, but you won't believe what's happened!!" Jo filled Lisa in on the details, but Jo was right, Lisa didn't believe her. "I don't believe you!" "Fine, phone Lorraine's dad and ask him" "Fine, I will" and Lisa slammed the phone down, then she phoned my house, expecting me to be in, but my dad answered "Hello, Mr Wightman?" "Hello, is that Lisa?" "Yes" "Oh, Lorraine's not here" "I know, it's you I wanted to talk to" "Oh?" "Well, Joanna has just phoned me, and told me what happened, going to the concert, Lorraine on stage, meeting the Backstreet Boys, losing Aaron Carter, and what happened in the lift at the hotel" "And?" "Well, I didn't believe Joanna, and she told me to phone you if I didn't believe her, to ask you, so, is it all true?" "Yes it is, she's at a hospital in Glasgow now, I can't go, because as you know, the car broke down, but the Backstreet Boys and the other girls are there now, with her" "Other girls? Joanna and May?" "No, the girls that went on stage with the boys" "Oh, I'm sorry to have bothered you" "That's okay, I didn't believe it when I first heard it either, but that Brian took good care of Lorraine, and still is, so I'm not worried, I think he likes her, so I'll not get in the way, if that's what Lorraine wants" "Lorraine will want, she's mad about Brian! Well, I'd better go, sorry to have troubled you" "That's okay, goodbye Lisa" "Bye" _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- I had been asleep for a few hours, dreaming about B (as usual!), but I had woken up, and I was so bored I thought of breaking out, but I remembered I couldn't walk on my ankle, I had to wait until my crutches came, so I had to lie there, bored out of my mind. I passed the time by singing to myself. I had just got to Set Adrift On Memory Bliss (on the 2nd European album - I had a lot of time on my hands), to the part where B sings ' I bet you say that I don't care, and, I bet you say that I don't even think of you, God knows how wrong you are'. Anyway, I had just finished that line, when B poked his head through the curtain. "Hey there" "Oh, hi B, how long have you been standing there?" "Long enough, you've got a good voice" "Oh, thanks" "So, you bet that I don't think you even think of me do you?" "I was just singing, but I hope you think I think of you, because I do, I've just woken up from a very nice dream of you" I realised what I had said, and probably had a shocked look on my face because B laughed "What, am I blushing again?" He nodded while still laughing "Do I amuse you?" I said, only half-joking "No, of course not, you're lying in a hospital bed after spending about 7 hours in an elevator in complete darkness with your boyfriend, with whom you'd only been going out with for a few hours longer than that, and whilst you're in the elevator, the cable breaks, sending you and your boyfriend tumbling down 5 or 6 floors, and as a result of which, you have a sprained ankle and a concussion, but your boyfriend miraculously comes away with only a bruise and no dizziness at all. No, not in the slightest bit funny" It wasn't really, but the way B said it, made us both laugh so hard, my sides almost did split! "I've got a couple of presents for you" he said, reaching for a white plastic bag behind him on the bed I hadn't noticed he'd brought in "B you didn't have to.." He cut me off by giving me a little teddy bear with a plaster cast on his right leg, and crutches, with 'Get Well Soon' written on his T-shirt "Awwwh, B - he's so sweet!!!" He also pulled out a single red rose "You are too good to me B!! You really didn't have to get me those, but I love them!" "Well, I also got you some more film for your camera - we can't have you missing out on any good memories now, can we? It took me a while to find it, but here it is" He handed me a pack of five films. "B! Five films, how much did that cost you? APS film is always more than the normal film?!" "Well, you're worth it" "Awwh, you're so sweet, I think I'm gonna cry!" "No! Remember in the elevator when I said I hated to see people cry - well I still do" "Oh, okay, I'll try and stop" "Will this help?" he leaned down to kiss me "Mmm, I feel better already!" He kissed me again. And once again, Howie coughed behind us. "Rok, all that excitement - you really are trying to kill her aren't you?" "Hey, she wanted me to!" "Yeah, I've got a death wish!" and with that, B kissed me again, this time, for longer than all the rest, and it felt gooooood! "Um, Rok - Donna just told us that Smash Hits magazine (v. good British magazine) wants to do an interview with us, we've got to go" Kevin told him "Aw, shucks!" was his reply "They might ask about girlfriends, what do we say?" asked Nick "Well, until Howie and Kevin and Nick ask us out properly, they can say they're single!" said Holly. "Howie, Kevin, Nick, you haven't asked them out yet - well, do it you fools!!" I laughed "Okay, Holly Lynn Murphy, will you go out with me? "I'd be honoured, Howard Dwayne Dorough" and they kiss, I take a photo, you know how it goes by now. "Lauren, will you be my human teddy bear?" "What?" "My girlfriend" "I'd love to, now, come give your teddy bear some love" And they kissed for so long, I swear they were beginning to get stuck together! Another photo opportunity taken there. "And, Shay Zane Tester, will you be my girlfriend?" "I'd love to, Kevin Scott Richardson" but they didn't kiss, they just hugged, like B and I did - I think Shay is just as shy as I am. But I got a photo anyway.