~*~*Chapter 13*~*~

Christmas still seemed like an eternity away, as Friday night I tried hard to concentrate on my math homework, but it was hard to do when it was so cold outside, and all I wanted to do was curl up in my fuzzy pyjamas, sipping hot chocolate, and watching re-runs of Electric Circus. Anyway, I finally finished and conviently threw my math textbook across the room, and jumped as the phone rang suddenly. I picked it up and said hello. "Hi sweetie," said Nick and I laid down on the bed. "How are you?" "Hello hun," I replied with a smile. "I'm tired. How are you?" "Good, actually, I was wondering if you were still going to Buffalo to visit your Great Aunt and Uncle tomorrow?" Nick wanted to know. "No, actually," I replied. "My parents are going on Sunday instead. Why? What's up?" "Well, I have a surprise for you," Nick answered and I tried to think of it was. "Well, our management booked us to play a Christmas concert in Buffalo tomorrow night. Sort of a last minute thing, and I was wondering, since you haven't seen as perform since September, would you and your family like to come?" "Nick, you don't have to even ask me to come," I answered sitting up. "Of course, I'll be there." "Great Em," Nick said and we worked out all the details for the last minute concert... At 5:30pm, a white stretch limo pulled up in front of my house as I looked in to see Ariale all ready in there. Nick had arranged for us to get five front row seats and five backstage passes to the show. It was hard deciding who was coming, but in the end, I invited Monica, Ariale, Oceane, and Brandy. My mom was weary about Brandy going, but she knew Monica and I were going and that Mrs.Carter was going to be there, so we were going to be okay. "Sissie, I can't wait to meet Aaron," Brandy shrieked as we got in the limo. Everyone had taken the oppurtunity to dress up. Ariale was wearing a black skirt, with a matching cardigan, and a white blouse. Brandy was wearing a red dress with matching shoes, and Monica had on a nice black dress. I was wearing a green jumper with a nice blouse underneath. "He's really nice," I told her. "Hi Ariale. What's up?" "Nothing much," replied Ariale smiling. "I am so excited to see the boys peform." "Me too," I replied sitting back. "I haven't seen Nick since Wednesday and I miss him so bad." We drove off and picked up both Monica and Oceane. Oceane was wearing a black, sleeveless dress. "Hi," Monica said getting out. "How are you?" "Hey," Oceane replied. "What's up?" "Hi," I replied with a smile. "I'm excited. How are you?" "Good," Monica and Oceane replied in unison and I laughed. The concert was being held at Shea's Performing Arts Center and I was very excited, because that's where I witnessed my very first Backstreet Boys concert. We had first row seats and Brian had taken my cousin Jody's rose, while they had waved at us as well. We pulled up to the venue to see many girls standing all over the place, and when we pulled up, they screamed. "They think we're the Backstreet Boys," laughed Oceane. "Nick? Is it you?" yelled some girl from outside and everyone looked at each other. The limo driver came and opened the door, as I looked up to see girls rushing at the limo. I saw Lonnie and some other unfamiliar bodyguards rush towards the limo. Lonnie grabbed Brandy first and shielded her from all the fans. Then, each of us went through the right stage doors, one at a time. The first person I saw or actually heard was AJ laughing, and then Brian laughing as well. I walked in and smiled. I stopped to see Howie and Kevin chatting with some unfamiliar people, as there was chaos on every part of the backstage area, as everyone ran up around, getting ready for the show. Brandy grabbed my hand as she begged me to find Aaron for her. "This is crazy," Monica commented and I nodded in agreement. "Emilie," shrieked someone and I turned to see Aaron rushing towards me. He gave me a hug and Brandy squeezed my hand tightly. "Hi Aaron," I said smiling at him. "This is my sister Brandy." "Hi Aaron," Brandy said and Aaron smiled at her. "Hi Brandy," Aaron replied, and off they walked. "How cute," Oceane said and I smiled. I stood back as AJ noticed us and waved. We waved back and I wondered where Nick was. I couldn't see him anywhere, and I didn't want to barge in on anyone. "Where's Brian?" Ariale asked and I shook my head. "I have no idea," I replied. "I hope they're somewhere." "Hello ladies," AJ said walking over to us with Howie close behind him. "How are you all tonight?" "Hi AJ, hi Howie," Oceane replied as they gave each other a hug. "We're okay. How are you?" "Pumped," Howie replied. "I don't think we've met." He smiled at Monica. "Hi, I'm Emilie's future sister," Monica said and he smiled. "Really? You're marrying who?" Howie asked her, looking at me puzzled. "My older brother Mike," I replied. "You have an older brother?" Howie said and I nodded. "Nick's in the dressing room," AJ told me. "Can I go see him?" I asked and AJ said sure. I walked past all the people, making sure I wasn't in anyone's way. I walked past many people who I didn't know, when I finally recognized Mrs.Carter who was standing with Nick's grandmother and Brandy and Aaron. "Sissie, come here," yelled Brandy and I walked over to them. "Hi Mrs.Carter, hi," I said to them. "How are you? You both look wonderful." "Hi Emilie," Mrs.Carter said giving me a hug. "We're great. This is my mom. Mom, this is Emilie, Nick's girlfriend." "Hello dear," Grandma Carter said. "How are you?" "I'm great," I replied shaking her hand. "How are you?" "Very excited," she answered. "Nicky's in the dressing room. You can go see him if you want." "Okay thanks," I said with a smile and walked in towards the dressing room, or I assumed it was the dressing room. I knocked softly, as the door flung open to reveal Kevin, Brian, and Nick hanging out before the show. "Hi Emilie, come on in," Kevin said. "Hi Kev," I said. "Thanks." I walked in to see Nick sitting on a couch, sipping some Snapple, while chatting with Brian. "Hey you," Nick said when he noticed me. "Come here." "Hi," I said smiling and he gave me a big hug. "Hey Em, is Ariale here?" Brian asked me and I nodded. "She's out there somewhere," I replied as Nick let go of me. "Probably with Monica and Oceane." "Thanks," he said and disappeared out the door as Kevin followed him. "So, you look lovely this evening," Nick told me as we sat down on the couch together. "Thanks, so do you," I replied looking around the dressing room. "Wow, Shea's is so nice. Do you like to perform here?" "Yeah, it's cool," Nick replied. "It's wierd though, performing so close to Christmas and all. I mean, I sort of wish we could have the whole month off, but of course we can't." "Don't worry," I said standing up. "It'll be over very soon. Well, we'd better get to our seats before someone tries to steal them." "Okay, bye," Nick kissed me and he grabbed my hand as I got Brandy, and Monica, Oceane, and Ariale followed me outside down to our seats which were front row center. As soon as we walked from backstage, girls started screaming. "Who are you? Are you related to the Backstreet Boys?" a girl asked me. "No, just friends," Monica replied as we sat down. "Emilie, Aaron is so cute," Brandy said to me as we sat in our seats. "Do you think he'll go out with me like Nick is going out with you?" "Brandy, aren't you a little young to have a boyfriend?" I laughed and Brandy shook her head in a firm no. The lights dimmed, as screams started evaportaing throughout Shea's. Aaron was opening that night, and he came out with 95 south, as Brandy stood up, screaming. He sang "Crush On You", as he winked at Brandy several times and was really cute when he performed. I noticed Nick and Brian watching from the sidelines, and Nick waved at me, and I gave him a bright smile. Aaron then sang "Shake It", and followed it with "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer", as everyone started singing it as well. "Sissie, can I go back and play with Aaron now?" Brandy asked me and I looked at Lonnie. "Hey Lonnie," I said and he was standing in the orchestra pit in front of me. "Hey Em," he said smiling. "What's up?" "Well, Brandy wants to know if she can go see Aaron," I said and Lonnie nodded. "Sure, no problem," Lonnie replied and he led Brandy backstage. "Be good," I told her as she left. "Where's she going?" Monica asked me as we sat down. "To see Aaron, where else?" I replied shrugging and Monica laughed. "That's so cute," Monica said and I smiled. The lights dimmed, as some girl behind started gasping for air. I turned to see her crying. "Are you okay?" I asked her concerned. "Fine, just Nick makes me so happy," she replied and I smiled. "Aren't you jealous?" Monica asked and I shook my head. "I'm glad Nick has admirers," I replied. "As long as they keep their hands off him." The guys appeared on top of the stage and started to sing "That's The Way I Like It". Oceane grooved through the song, as AJ kept winking at her and he actually stepped into the orchestra pit and kissed her hand. Nick kept smiling at me, giving me goofy expressions, and even blew me a kiss. "Do you know him?" the girl beside me asked. "Yeah, he's my boyfriend," I admitted honestly and she laughed. "Sure he is," she said and I gave her a sterile look. "Watch this," I snapped as the guys finished "Hey Mr DJ". The girl laughed as the guys began introducing themselves. AJ was first and his speech was short, but sweet. "Hello Buffalo. Welcome to our Christmas show," AJ said. "I want want to say Merry Christmas to everyone out there." Howie came next. "Hi everyone," he said smiling. "Howie doin'? Anyway, Merry Christmas and I hope you enjoy the show." Kevin, spoke and then Brian. I looked at Ariale and he smiled at her. "Hi, I just want to say hello to all our fans and a special hello to my girlfriend Ariale who's in the audience tonight," Brian said and the whole auditorium seemed to gasp or fall silent. "Brian has a girlfriend?" the girl beside me shrieked. "No. She's probably some hoe." "Will you shut up?" I yelled at her. "Ariale is beautiful and stop dissing my friend." "So, your friend is dating Brian and you're dating Nick?" the girl yelled back. "Nice lie bitch." "You'll see," I replied as Nick walked out for his speech. "Hello everyone," Nick said smiling. "First of all, I want to say hello to my family. My grandparents and cousins are all here to celebrate Christmas with me. I want to tell everyone, Merry Christmas, and I love you all. I, especially, want to tell you all something about a rumor that I know has been around the internet, and around here. It's about the issue about whether I have a girlfriend or not. Brian does-." The girls screamed and I saw the girl stare at me. "It's not you," she yelled at me and pushed me. "Stop it," Monica yelled at her as she shoved me beside Oceane. "Well, it's true," Nick said as the girls all screamed. "I have a girlfriend. Her name is Emilie and she's here tonight. Well, let's get on with the show." Nick winked at me and then went to sit down, as they started their solos. "Are you Nick's girlfriend?" the girl screamed at me. "Hello, yes I am," I yelled back and she shook her head. Howie sang "Let's Toast To Our Love", while Kevin sang "Nobody But You", and AJ sang "Lay Down Beside Me" which made Oceane all most collasped in convulsions. Brian and Nick sang "Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire" together and it was so nice. They left the stage then, and on came the tables for "I'll Never Break Your Heart". Lonnie took my hand and led me on stage to dance with Nick. They had chosen two other girls to dance with Howie and Kevin, as Nick smiled at me when he walked out. "Remember the first time this happened?" Nick asked me and I nodded. "It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship," I replied as AJ began to sing. "Yes it was," Nick said as he took my hands. "No what? Who cares about these dances tonight? Come here." He took me in his arms, and we danced to the song, ignoring the whole routine Nick was supposed to perform. He pulled me close, and I blocked out all the screams, and just pretended it was Nick and I, dancing alone. "Go Nick and Em," yelled Oceane and I looked up. AJ was singing to her and I looked out at the corner of my eye, towards the left stage area, and saw Aaron and Brandy dancing together. It was so cute. "Look Nick," I stood him and he looked as well. "Ain't that cute?" "Yeah," Nick said laughing. "Hold on." Nick let go of me and went to Brandy and Aaron, pulling them on stage as everyone pointed and oohed and aahed at them. "Hi Sissie," Brandy yelled at me. "Aaron's my boyfriend." "Cool," I yelled back as the song ended. "Well, everyone, before we do the next song," Brian said. "I just want to to say a special thanks to these guys standing around me. We have been so much as a group and I just want to say I love you all, and that's say ten more years of keeping the Backstreet Pride Alive." Everyone cheered as I noticed tears in Nick's eyes as all five guys gave each other hugs. I started to feel tears in my eyes as well, as Brandy, Aaron, and I got down from the stage, and sat back in our seats. "Aaron, hi," girls yelled at him and I placed him beside him between Oceane and I, so nobody would bother him. The guys sang "Anywhere For You", as well as "Quit Playing Games", "Get Down", "Everybody", and "We've Got It Goin' On". The ended with "Christmastime" which brough back memories back to me about when Nick sang it to me school on Monday. The concert was over just like that, as Brandy, Aaron, and I walked backstage, leaving everyone else there. "Hello," Nick said when he saw me backstage. "Are you okay with me telling everyone you're my girlfriend?" "Of course I am," I answered with a smile. "I just hope the fans are willing to accept it." "They will eventually," Nick replied with a smile, as he pulled me close, and we kissed...