~*~*Chapter Four*~*~

"Hi there! By the look on your face, you know who I am, I'm Brian, and these are Kevin, AJ, Nick and Howie, but I guess you knew that didn't you?!!" "I don't know what to say! Did I win a competition or something to meet you guys, because that's the only reason that I can think of that you would bring me backstage, did I actually win something?!" "No, actually, it was because we were looking for girls to come up on stage and sit with us while we sing, and I picked you - I hope that's OK?" I think he was worried that I might say no, or that I wanted to be with one of the other guys, because he went really red and kind of waited to hear what I was going to say, but as he's my favourite, I knew what I was going to say... "No, that's completely fine with me, no problems there," "Oh, good" I think he was kind of relieved, but he was still red, like me, I could feel my cheeks burning up (as per usual!) "I'd love to be your partner Brian" And I gave his arm a squeeze to show him it was OK. I think that calmed him down a bit, but I don't know, he went awfully quiet all of a sudden, and the rest of the guys shot him some why-don't-you-talk-to-her kind of look, and all he did was shrug, and I think there was something there between them that I didn't get because the security guy started laughing, and Brian shot him an evil look to get him to stop, which he did. "Oh," I said as I dropped my T-shirt and individual postcards of them all I'd just bought. "Here, let me," said Brian, who bent down to pick them up for me. "Thanks," "You're welcome" "So, you know who I am, and who we are, but we know nothing about you, we have a few minutes before we go to have our prayer, you and the other four girls will come almost at the end, you can watch from back here." "Oh, no!" I exclaimed "What?!" Brian was quite upset at my remark, I could see it in his eyes. "Oh, no, it's not you Brian, or the other guys, it's just that I told my friends that I wouldn't be long, I've got to tell them I'm going to be away for longer than I expected. And I'm a bit nervous about going out there...." I pointed to the stage where I could see Joanna, deep in conversation, again, but I couldn't see May. "Don't worry, you can go tell them when to other acts go on, but first, I'd like to know more about you, so when I introduce you, I've got something to say." "OK, well, my name's Lorraine Jennifer Wightman (when you say my name, you can leave out the Jennifer part, that's only my middle name), I'm sixteen years old, and I live in Edinburgh, and I just finished school today for the summer, so I've come with two friends, Joanna and May, as sort of a celebration of getting out of the bear pit, and to see you guys too obviously! Oh, my favourite colour is Blue, and I love McDonalds, and I'm taking English, German, maths, and Art at school. Erm.... that's about it really, and that I like Boyzone, 911, 5ive, 98 Degrees, OTT, and other bands like that, but I also like All Saints and Destiny's Child, aswell as you guys obviously! Yeah, that's about it" "What, no boyfriend? A pretty girl like you, I'd have thought you'd have one" "Ah, flattery will get you everywhere! But no, I'm young, free and most definitely single" "That is very surprising because........." "Hey cuz, Backstreet huddle!" yelled Kevin from the far corner of the room. "Shoot" mumbled Brian, I don't think he wanted me to hear, but I thought it was kind of sweet. "I'll see you on stage then Lorraine?" "Sure, but you can call me Rainey, all my close friends do, when they remember!" "You consider me a close friend?" "Yeah, well, I tell you everything, well, I tell your posters things that I wouldn't even tell my best friend, maybe because I want to tell someone, but I know you can't hear, but I always feel better, 'cos you're always smiling in the photos! Kind of weird huh?!" "No, it's nice you think you can turn to me for things, well, my posters anyway, but I gotta go, but what do you want to call me?" "Well, when I 'talk' to you, or when I'm talking about you with my friends, I always refer to you as B, so I'll call you that, if you don't mind," "No, not at all, it's cool. See you later Rainey!" "See you B!" And with that he went to the others and made up the missing link to their prayer circle, arms locked, heads bowed, it was really quite moving. I went to find my friends, when I bumped into someone as I turned the corner. "Oh, sorry, I'm such a klutz!" "Oh, that's ok, I wasn't looking where I was going either!" Said an American voice. "I'm Lorraine , by the way" "Lauren. Hey, I know a Lorraine who's coming to this concert!" "And I know a Lauren coming all the way from America to be here too! isn't that weird?!" "So where did you come from?" "Edinburgh, you?" "North Little Rock, Arkansas" "Hey, the Lauren I know was coming from there.......LKG10??!" "Rainey2000??!!!" "Oh, my God!!!" We said in unison. " What are you doing backstage?!" again in unison. "I'm going up on stage, I got to be Nick's girl!!! I'm soooo happy - what about you?" "I'm B's girl!!!!!!" "Way to go Frick!!!!" "Why thank you Frack, I'm sure you and Nick will be happy!" "And you and B too!!!!" "I'm sure we will, it's so good to see you! Would you like to come meet my friends, but we're not allowed to tell them why we're not going to be in our seats, you mustn't tell them OK?!" "Sure, where are they?" "Front row, come on!" And with that, we went to see my friends, but they were in for a big surprise, they were going to see me on stage with the Backstreet Boys!!!!! I hope May gets good photos!!!!