New York City was well known for it's movie stars, it's exciting atmosphere, but this Feburary 28th, 1999, it was becoming well known for the Grammy Awards. Emilie Parker and her brother's finacee Monica, walked into their room at the York Motel, gasping in astonishment at the beautiful suite that awaited their arrival. "Anything else I can help you with ladies?" asked the bellhop, as he smiled at them. "No, no thanks," Monica replied, as she gave him a tip. He thanked and quickly exited the door, as her work beeper started singing. "Monica, this room is so awesome," Emilie commented, as she fell down on one of the king sized beds in the room that were covered with light peach, flowered bed spreads. The room had a garden theme and Emilie loved it all. She closed her eyes, and her thoughts drifted to the wonderful time she was going to have tonight with Nick and the guys. "Em, what time is the limo picking us up?" Monica asked her, as she = glanced at her watch. "Four o'clock, why?" Emilie replied, opening her eyes quickly. "What time is it?" "Three thirty," Monica answered meekly and Emilie jumped up quickly. "We have half-an-hour to get ready!" "Oh no," Emilie shrieked, as she raced to open her luggage. "My dress! Where's my dress?" "Did you forget it?" Monica asked her urgently. "Yes! Oh no!" Emilie cried as she looked through her suitcase. "I'm going to have wear this dress!" She held up a pretty, lavender dress that was silk and had small light blue and light aqua flowers all over it. "That's nice," Monica assured her, as she took out her red evening gown. "Mike was mad he couldn't come." Mike was Emilie's older brother. "I know, Nick said he could've gotten him an extra ticket," Emilie replied, as she grabbed her shower things. "Mind if I take a quick shower?" "No, of course not," Monica replied, and within ten minutes, Emilie was showered and dressed. She grabbed her brush, and started brushing her straight, shoulder-length, strawberry blond hair away from her face. She quickly blowdried it and put on her make-up, when she heard someone knocking on the door. She looked through the peephole to see two humongous guys standing there. "Monica, I think it's the bodyguards," Emilie told her, as Monica walked out quickly from the bathroom. "Open it up and see who it is," Monica replied and Emilie opened the door. "Hi Miss, we are here to escort you both down to the Limo and down to the Grammy Awards," one of them told her and Emilie nodded. "Okay thanks," she replied smiling and Monica and Emilie checked themselves out in the mirror first, and then they followed the huge bodyguards down to the elevator. When they got to the elevators, Emilie noticed Jewel standing there with her boyfriend and some bodyguards it seemed and some others. "That's Jewel," Monica whispered to Emilie and she nodded in recognition. "Cool," Emilie replied and they stepped on the elevator together. They rode down in silence, and then headed out to see five white stretch limos and one black one. The bodyguards immediately went to the black one and opened the door for Emilie and Monica. They got in, as the bodyguards sat in the front with the driver and drove away. "Where's Ariale and Oceane? Didn't the guys invite them as well?" Monica asked Emilie and she sighed. "Brian and Ariale broke up two weeks ago," Emilie informed and Monica's face looked shocked. "Why?" Monica wanted to know. "I think they fell out of love, I don't know honestly," Emilie replied and she looked away, not wanting to explain any further. She honestly didn't know all the facts and Ariale had been very quiet about the whole thing that had happened. Oceane had recently gotten very close with a = guy from their school and Ariale was already crushing on some guy she worked with. "Oh, anyway, how about you and Nick? How are things?" Monica asked and Emilie smiled. "Things couldn't be better," Emilie replied, sinking back into the limo seat. "You see, their new cd was just released and it's doing really well and they are going to go on this huge Asian/European/Austrailian tour this week. I am going to miss Nick so much, but this weekend is going to be awesome." Monica smiled at her, as the limo pulled up to Radio City Music Hall and immediately saw a limo traffic jam in front if the doors. "Emilie, let's look out through the sunroof!" Monica suggested excitedly, and Emilie and her looked stood up and glanced out to see the most incredible sight anyone could have noticed. There was white, silver, and black limos all around them containing some of the newest and historical music artists in the world of music. There was fans everywhere, as they mostly yelled for the music artists, and the media tent was incredible, was there was media from all continents of the world. "Wow! Look at all these celebrities!" Emilie shrieked, as she notcied Gwen Stefani from No Doubt. "Hey, where are we meeting the guys?" Monica asked her, as their limo pulled ahead quickly. "I think in the lobby," Emilie answered. "Nick said he'll wait for us." Emilie and Monica got out of the limo, and the first famous star they noticed was Next, standing right beside them. "Hey," one of the Next members said, smiling at them. "Hi! What's up?" Monica asked them and they smiled at them. Next went ahead, as Emilie saw the media pack from Entertainment Tonight hanging around, waiting for celebrities to talk to. "Check out those girls, who are they?" the host asked one of them cameramen. "I have no idea, but they are dressed nice," the cameraman answered and the host smiled. Monica and Emilie quickly headed through the front doors and there was people everywhere. "Monica, this is scary," Emilie commented, as she saw people being ushered into their seats. "Em, look for Nick," Monica instructed her and Emilie started looking around for Nick. After about twenty minutes of searching, she just wanted to give up. "This is so hopeless!" Emilie shrieked, as she stopped in the middle of the lobby. "Nick is nowhere to be found!" "Hey Em and Monica! How are you guys?" said a familiar male voice and Emilie turned to see AJ and his new girlfriend Amanda and Brian standing there. "Finally, hi everyone," Emilie replied with relief. "We've been looking everywhere for you." "This is a little overwhelming, isn't it?" Amanda smiled and Emilie nodded, smiling back. "Well, so, how have you been?" Brian asked them, as they all exchanged quick hugs. "Great," Monica answered smiling. "All these music stars..just one word! Wow! "I know," AJ laughed, as Amanda and him took each other's hands. "We felt the same way when we first came to an awards show." "Where's everyone else?" Emilie asked them, wanting to see her boyfriend really bad. "Sitting down," AJ replied. "Come on, we'll show you the seats." Monica and Emilie followed them towards the very front, and Emilie noticed Nick right away, sitting with one of their record producers, Johnny, Donna, Kevin, and Howie. She noticed five empty seats. "Guys, we finally found them," Brian commented, as he sat down beside Kevin. Nick looked over and his eyes met Emilie's eyes, and they both lit up with happiness. "Hey Nick, how are ya?" Emilie asked him, and he climbed over Brian, Kevin, and Howie to hug her. "Hi Em, you look so beautiful," Nick told her, pulling her close for a hug. "I'm so happy to see you," Emilie told him."Awww! So cute!" said someone behind them, and Emilie and Nick turned to see All Saints sitting there.= "Thanks," Emilie smiled and they laughed good-naturedly. "Let's sit down," Nick suggested, and they had to climb over the guys again, in order to get to their seats. "So, I hope you and Monica didn't get lost!" "We were fine once we found Brian, AJ, and Amanda," Emilie answered, as he put his arm around her. "So, how have you been?" "Wonderful, but even better since you are here with me," Nick whispered into her ear. "I love you too," Emilie whispered back, smiling at him. "Now, children, we'll have none of that!" said a distant, but familiar voice. Emilie looked beside Nick's head to see Brandy sitting down with MA$E. =20 "Wow hey!" Emilie said, beaming at them. "Hi!" Brandy laughed, not bothering to sit down. "MA$E and I are opening the show, so can you make sure nobody else sits here?" "Sure, we'll make sure," Nick promised her. "They're cool." "I know," Emilie smiled. "This is so awesome! Wow! I am so happy to be here." "Did they tell you what you're doing Emilie?" Brian asked her, and she turned around. "What?" Emilie asked him. "You're presenting with us because there was another celebrity who wanted to present with us, but she was unable to make it," Brian replied and Emilie looked at him as if he was nuts. "Are you serious?" Emilie answered, as she started to get nervous. Nick hadn't told her that.=20 "No, just teasing you," Nick answered and she went red, but then started to laugh. "We would never do that to you!" Brian told her, laughing, as the lights dimmed. "Here we go!" Emilie yelled loudly, that people turned around to look at her. The show went by very fast, and the guys left to get ready to present. They weren't performly that night and Emilie was kind of sad, because she wished that they were performing. The best part of the night when they said they announced the category of Favourite Duo or Group in the Pop category. The other competition was 'N Sync, 5ive, Aqua, and Savage Garden. Emilie was nervous. She glanced at Amanda, who gave her a quick smile. "And the winner is the Backstreet Boys!" the presenter screamed and Emilie jumped up with applause. "Wow! We are so honoured!" Brian said into the microphone. "First of all, we have to thank God, because without him we would not have all the oppurtunities that we have in the last few years!" "Next, we want to thank our record company Jive and Trans Continental Records and our great managers!" Howie said. "Who could forget our great cherographer? Fatima, we love you!" Kevin said. "All of our family and friends who have stuck by us," AJ said. "Amanda I love you!" "And who could forget the fans?!" Nick said and the whole top section screamed. "Emilie, I love you too!" The guys left the stage and headed towards the press tent. **************************************** Emilie, Amanda, and Monica waited in their seats, after the show, as the guys came out. They were going to head over to Planet Hollywood, for the awards party after. Emilie was excited about going, when she heard Monica's cell phone start ringing. Monica answered it. "Hello?" she said into it. "Mike, you are where? Outside the Radio City Music Hall? Stop playin'! What in the world are you doing here? You what? Hold on, I am coming to get you because I have your ticket! Hold on!" She left, as Amanda and Emilie watched the guys come out from backstage. "Congratulations!" Amanda and Emilie said at the same time, which made them laugh. "Hello!" Nick beamed and Emilie threw her arms around him. "Where's Monica?" "Mike showed up," Emilie replied, looking to see her older brother walking down the walkway with Monica. "Okay," Nick replied. "So, are we going to Planet Hollywood for this after Grammy party?" "Yes!" Emilie answered. "That would be awesome!" "Come on, we have two limos!" Nick said. "Hi Mike!" "Hey Nick," Mike replied, shaking his hand. "So, has my little sister been behaving herself?" "Oh Mike, more like have you been behaving yourself!" Emilie said back to him. "Okay you two, none of that tonight!" Monica commented. "Okay, so are we up for Planet Hollywood then!" "Yes, of course," Nick said, as he saw AJ, Howie, Amanda, and Kevin had already headed out to their limo. Brian was hanging back.=20 "I'm going to come with you," Brian told them. "Sure, come on B-Rok!" Emilie said, and everyone laughed. "I am sorry! I am on hyper overdrive!" "No problem! We all are," Nick teased her. "So, are we going to dance the night away or what?" "We sure are," Emilie replied, as she saw 'N Sync walking towards them. "Look, it's 'N Sync. Hi guys!" "Hey Emilie!" JC said. "Too bad you guys won! Just kidding." "There's always not year Chasez," Nick told him, as Emilie saw Lance smiling at her, but it was a friendly smile. She smiled back, as she held onto Nick's arm. "So, are you heading over to Planet Hollywood?" Justin asked them and they nodded. "Why don't we all head over their together?" "Okay," Brian agreed. "I have my car," Mike said and Emilie looked at him in shock. "Michael, you drove all the way here by yourself?" Emilie scolded him. "Well, how else was I supposed to get here?" Mike replied. "Monica and I will meet you there." "Okay," they all agreed, leaving Emilie, Brian, Nick, Lance, Justin, and JC there. "So, how have you all been since the last time I saw you?" Emilie asked. "Good," Lance replied. "How about you?" "Okay," Emilie answered, as they headed out of Radio City Music Hall towards their limo that was waiting for them. "How come you guys didn't perform?" "We have no idea what we weren't asked," JC told her. "I wish we could have."=20 "Yeah so do we, in a way," Brian replied, as they got into the limo. "So, how's your new album?" "It's doing well," Justin told them. "Anyone want a soda or something?" "I'll have a Coke," Emilie replied, as she leaned back against the seat. "So, who's all expected at this party tonight? What are they like?" "Well, there's probably going to be lots of media and celebrities there," Brian explained and Emilie nodded. She pushed her hair out of her face and thanked Justin for the Coke he handed her. Lance opened the sunroof, and as they stopped at a stoplight, he looked out of it. They pulled up to the doors, as they allowed Emilie to step out first. She waited for Nick, and he held her hand, as they approached the fans who were lined outside the restaurant, and the media was waiting right away = for them. "Look at all these cameras," Emilie whispered to Nick. "I know! Just smile and say hi," Nick instructed her, and she nodded. She pasted a bright smile on her face, as she looked over to see the Teen People both set up, and they asked Nick to stop for an interview. He gladly stopped, along with Brian. "Hello boys," the interviewer said. "And?" "Emilie," Emilie introduced herself smiling at the photographer. "Hi Emilie," the interview replied. "I'm Sabrina. Anyway, congratulations on your award! How do you feel? Did you expect to win?" "We were very surprised, but also feel very fortunate we won," Brian replied. "We would like to thank all the fans for their support and especially magazines like Teen People who have supported the Backstreet Boys the last few years." "No problem," Sabrina smiled, as she turned towards 'N Sync. "I guess that's it," Nick said, and they headed into Planet Hollywood. The first person Emilie saw was Puff Daddy, standing with Leonardo DiCaprio. Emilie stared at them, not wanting to look obvious. She thought they were two of the hottest and most talented celebrities in Hollywood. "Hi," Puffy said to them and Emilie smiled. "Wow! Puff Daddy just said hi to us!" Emilie freaked out, and Nick laughed. "Okay, want something to drink?" Brian asked them, as Justin and JC caught up with them. "Sure," Nick replied, and they followed Brian to the bar. "What would you like?" "Let's see, I'll have a Coke," Emilie replied, as Nick and Brian went to get the drinks, leaving Emilie with JC and Justin. "So, are you two really mad you never won?" "No, not really," JC answered honestly. "The guys deserve it more, since they've been around so much longer. We just came out, not even two years ago. They've worked hard for what they have." "Yes, they have," Emilie agreed, as she saw Jennifer Love Hewitt approaching them. "Hi guys!" Love said, smiling at them. "I'm Love. And you're?" "JC, that's Justin, and Emilie," JC introduced himself. "Nice to meet you." "Same here," Love answered. "I was just going to get something to drink at the bar. Anything worth trying?" "I went for a Coke," Emilie replied smiling. "Just to be safe." "Yeah, maybe I'll get a soda as well," Love replied. "I'll get it for you," JC volunteered and he was off in one second. He's a sweetie," Love said smiling at Justin and Emilie. "So, where have I seen you before?" "I'm part of the group 'N Sync," Justin replied. "And you?" Love turned to Emilie. "You aren't a singer, are you?" "No, I'm Nick's girlfriend from the Backstreet Boys," Emilie replied and Love nodded. "So, that's where I've seen you!" Love exclaimed. "You two make such a cute couple!" "Thanks," Emilie replied, as Nick and Brian returned with their drinks. Nick handed her a Coke. "Thanks!" "No problem," Nick replied, as Love went over to JC to get her soda. "How about some dancing?" "Sure," Emilie said, as she saw Kevin and Howie talking to some woman near a huge table. "Let's set our drinks now where Howie and Kevin are sitting." Nick followed her over to them. "Mind if we set our drinks down?" Nick asked them and they shook their heads no. Stars on 54's hit song "If You Could Read My Mind" started playing, and Emilie took Nick's hand, leading him towards the dance floor. They found a spot near Amanda and AJ, as well as Mike and Monica, who had just got there. "I love this song!" Emilie told Nick, as they danced. Nick wrapped his arms around Emilie from behind, and they got danced away to one of Emilie's favourite songs. "Em, so how have you enjoyed the evening so far?" Nick asked her, as he spun her around. "It's been so amazing," Emilie replied, smiling at him. "I've had so = much fun! I am so happy you guys won the award." "So am I," Nick replied, smiling back. "You know, you should stay here in New York for a few days. We have a few days off before the tour. We could do some sightseeing." "That would be nice," Emilie said. "You know, I have missed you so much since we saw each other in January. Now, it's almost March. We have seen alot of each other eh?" "Yeah we have," Nick said, as the song started to play Edwin Mccain's "I'll be"... The strands in your eyes, the colour them wonderful Stop me and steal my breath Emeralds from mountains that thrust towards the sky Never revealing their depth So, tell me that we belong together Dress it up, with the trappings of love I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above I'll be your crying shoulder, I'll be love suicide I'll be better when I'm older I'll be the greatest fan of your lives And rain falls angry on the tinroof As we lie awake in my bed You're my survival, you're my living proof My love is alive and not dead Tears slipped down Emilie's eyes, as the words from this song sang musically into her ears. This was it. This was their song. She had been searching for a song, and she believed this was the true song that described their relationship to the fullest. "Nick, this it is," Emilie whispered to him, as she noticed tears in his eyes as well. "This is what?" Nick whispered back, pulling her closer. "This is our song," Emilie replied, as Nick looked deep into her eyes. He saw the love he had never experienced before, a love so innocent, so genuine, so true. He had finally realized that Emilie was the one. She was the one he loved so deeply. The first one he had ever loved in his whole life. "Yes, it is," Nick answered, as the song ended softly. "Emilie, I have something for you. I wanted to wait for the right moment to ask you, and I think this is the perfect moment." "Okay Nick," Emilie replied. He led her over to the table where now Brian, Kevin, Howie, Love, Monica, and Mike were seated. "Let's go somewhere more private," Nick said, and they headed over to an quiet area, where nobody was sitting. "What's up?" Emilie asked him, as they sat down in the empty booth. "Well, I want to ask you something," Nick said, looking deep into her eyes. "Now, in December, we promised that we would be together forever, but I was wondering if you would be my steady girlfriend." He bought out a silver box, and gave it to her. "Yes, of course I will Nick!" Emilie cried joyfully, as she took the box from it. "Thanks." "Open it," Nick urged her, and she opened it carefully. It revealed a blue, velvet box, and she opened it to reveal a small heart pendent. It said "Emilie, I love you". She started to cry again, as she threw her arms around him. "Oh Nick, it's beautiful," Emilie whispered softly. "I love it. Thanks so much! I love you!" "I love you too Em," Nick replied, as he kissed her softly on the lips...