Kevin walked out in a sosphicated, mature walk. He looked at the
audience and started to film the audience with a small camera. "Hello
everyone! Say hello to my family back home!" We all screamed as Kevin
filmed from one corner of the Skydome to the other. "Well, I just wanted
to say thank you to all the support you have given us the last three
years! Thanks for coming and enjoy the show!" The crowd went wild. I was
so happy he never mentioned me in his speech. I was never more
embarrassed in my life, especially by Nick Carter.
Brian came out next and he looked so cute. "Hello Toronto. I just
want to thank all of you personally for the support I've received since
my surgery last May. It has been overwhelming and the donations to
St.Joesph's hospital have been phenomenal. I sincerely thank you and so
does the hospital. I love you all." Brian smiled at everyone and then
went and sat on his white stool.
They sang End Of The World by Journey and then they each sang
solos. Brian sang "That's What She Said". I loved that song. It's so
sad. I wonder if someone ever actually broke Brian's heart like that.
Kevin sang "Nobody But You" and he sounded very sexy. Then, Howie sang
"Betcha By Golly Wow" and I went wild. Howie's voice sounded like angel
sent from heaven. Then, AJ sang "Lay Down Beside Me" and everyone
screamed. AJ has that low, sultry voice that can make any girl swoon.
Then, came Nick's solo and as soon as the first word came out, his voice
was drowned out by screaming. He sang "Heaven In Your Eyes" and it
sounded wonderful.
After that, they sang a song called "Let's Toast To Our Love" and
then they sped things up a little. I heard the opening music to my
favourite song "Lets Have A Party". I went crazy. I was screaming so
"Yo Emilie, calm down." Oceane yelled at me.
"I can't," I yelled back. "This is my favourite Backstreet Boy's song."
Oceane rolled her eyes and I started to sing as Nick went up and down
the stage, singing and pointing at fans. The song was the best song so
far in my opinion.
"Now, really time to slow things down a little bit," Aj said when they
finished that song. "We need some ladies from the audience to come on up
here. Who's up for the challenge?" We all went wild and I screamed so
loud, along with AJ.
"Kev, Howie, and Nick, pick a lady each," Brian said and I screamed.
Howie picked a girl near the end of the stage and in horror I realized
it was the girl who called me a bitch. I couldn't believe my eyes and
she gave the cloud a triumphant look.
"Bitch," I muttered looking away from her when I felt someone tap me on
the shoulder.
"Emilie, would you come up with me on stage for this dance?" Nick asked
me and I looked into his baby blue eyes.
"Really?" I replied with a surprised look.
"Of course," Nick replied. "Come on up."
"And you said you didn't know the Backstreet Boys." snapped the brown
haired girl and I didn't even look at her. I was to mesmerized at Nick
asking me to be on stage with him. I noticed Kevin had chosen a slightly
older woman, maybe she was like 25. Oceane was screaming at me and I saw
Julie waving at me. I waved back.
The song started with Kevin smooth talking and then AJ started
singing as Brian and him walked up and down the stage, pointing at
certain members. Nick did this dance around me and I looked out to the
crowd, amazed at how many people were actually here.
"So, how was your fall?" Nick asked me slyly.
"It was embarrassing," I replied. "I'll be forever known as the fan who
flashed the audience." Nick laughed.
"I'd better do this dance, when I'd rather be chilling backstage," Nick
said and I smiled and nodded at him.
"You know, that girl Howie is with called me a Bitch," I said to Nick.
"Why did she do that?" Nick asked me.
"When I came over the barricade after I fell I was in her way," I
replied, hearing my name above the crowd. I saw Julie waving furiously
at me and I waved back. "Do me a favour?"
"Sure, what?" Nick asked me.
"Wave at my cousin Julie over there," I replied.
"Sure," Nick turned around and waved at her and Julie started screaming
and jumping up and down.
"Thanks a lot," I said. "That was nice of you."
"Well, I do nice things for sweet girls," Nick replied smiling at me.
"You think I'm sweet?" I replied blushing. "No guy has ever looked at me
before since I lost all my weight."
"Huh? You lost weight?" Nick asked me in shock.
"Yeah, 70 pounds," I replied smiling. "It took a lot of determination,
but I did it."
"Wow, you look beautiful," Nick said and I felt a tear creep into my
eyes. No guy had ever noticed I was beautiful until now. At my school, I
had shocked the people at school when they saw my weight loss and some
guys even started saying hi to me, but for some reason it was so much
more nicer to hear it from Nick.
"Thanks," I replied. "That means a lot to me."
"Well, you can't hide the truth," Nick answered, kissing my hand. The
song ended with Nick handing me a red rose. "Now, you have two roses."
"Yeah, thanks," I replied. "I'd better go back to the audience."
"Sure, see you at the Hard Rock right?" Nick replied.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I answered. "Oh, I all most forgot.
My parents are staying here as well because my sister's dancing
competition was in Toronto. Would you all mind if they came?"
"Of course not," Nick answered. "See you then." One of the bodyguards
took my hand and let me down into the audience.
"Why are you crying?" Oceane asked me. "I wish one of them would have
picked me."
"Because Nick is the sweetest guy in the world," I replied to her.
"Oh yeah?" Oceane said. "Aj's my man." I laughed as the Backstreet Boys
left the stage for intermission.
"Excuse me? Would you just tell me the truth?" the brown haired girl
asked me. "Are you dating Nick?"
"Sure, no, Oceane and I won Magic 102's contest to meet the Backstreet
Boys backstage," I told her.
"Oh, I'm Alexia by the way," she said. "So, was Nick asking you on stage
part of the prize?"
"No, it wasn't," I replied looking as Julie yelled my name again. "He
asked me voluntarily."
"Wow, you are so lucky," Alexia smiled. "Well, it was nice meeting you."
"Same here," I replied and decided to go back and see Julie before the
intermission was over. Oceane stayed, saving our seats and I walked back
to Julie, as many people gave me curious looks.
"Hi. How are you?" I asked her, giving her a quick hug.
"Great," Julie answered. "Wow, Emilie. I can't believe this happened to
you. You are so lucky."
"Thanks," I replied. "Brian says hi by the way."
"What is he like?" Julie wanted to know as her friend looked at us
"He's really nice," I answered as the lights dimmed. "I'd better get
back to my seats. Talk to you later." I walked back to the my seat as
the Boys came back in white suits and "I Wanna Be With You" poured out
the speakers...