“Where is Tanya and Nick? We go on in like 2 minutes!” I bury my head into Nick’s shoulder. Nick places his finger on my lips, trying to keep me quiet. We crouch together under a table. I can’t help it. I let out a small giggle. “Did you hear that?” “Hear what?” “From over there. ”A few moments later, the table is moved and Nick and I jump up. “We go on in 2 minutes!” Kevin scolds. I give him my infamous puppy-dog face, pouty lip and big baby eyes. “Geez, I can’t get mad at that. But...I can get mad at that.” Kevin takes a hold of Nick’s ear and drags him into their circle. I try my hardest not to laugh at him, but he is too cute. Nick reminds me of a naughty little school boy. In the circle, we have a quick prayer, warm up and group hug. AJ, Howie, Kevin, and Brian jog to the stages to take theirs places. Nick lingers behind. He looks at me and puckers his beautiful red lips. “Do I have to?” I act totally uninterested. “Duh.” I walk over to him, dragging my feet. He holds my face in his hands, looking deep into my eyes. I tilt my head back and close my eyes. He presses his lips on mine, softly. I feel the fog billow around me. It’s almost time, I think. Right about now the guys would be preparing to enter in their stage coffins. I hold up my long, red skirt and step onto the lowered trap door. My hair is pulled back into a French twist with a few loose curled tendrils. My long red dress, which Donna had said was “very flattering to your figure”, resembles the dress worn in the “Everybody” music video. I have a floor length black satin cape thrown over my shoulders. The hood pulled up, over half my face so the audience cannot see who it is, until it is removed. “Everybody,” the trap door jerks upward, “rock your body.” By the second “rock your body” I am completely emerged. “Backstreet’s Back!” A red spotlight flashes on me. “Alright!” I snap my head up. I walk down the platforms in time with the music. “Everybody, rock your body, right, Backstreet’s Back, alright!” I drop my cape and the crowd cheers. The boys and I do the ballroom dancing scene, with a few changes. The crow loves it! They sing and try to dance along, but the narrow aisles make it a little difficult. Near the end, I start making my way back up the platforms. Everybody, Backstreet’s back, alright!” My arms fly into the air, a sudden burst of fog engulfs me. While not visible to the audience, I disappear down the trap door. I return to the stage for my question-answers session in my normal clothes, hair brushed back into a high ponytail. “Hellooo!” The crowd cheers louder than they ever have cheered for me before. “You liked it that much?” The noise increases and I smile broadly. “I’m glad, Fatima is a dancing goddess!” Well, I regret to say our Q&A sesh has to be cut short because of undisclosed causes. Or it could have been Nick and I playing hide-and-go-seek with the unknowing other players. Noooo, that couldn’t have been it.” They laugh and cheer. “Ok, C-16!” “Hi Tanya! The dancing was fabulous.” “Thanks!” “What grade are you going into and do you plan to go to college?” “I’m going to be a senior. Yes, I want to go to college. I’ve been strongly considering NYU or UVA. I’ve done unbelievable amounts of research into colleges, its a difficult thing to decide. Ok, next! K-27.” “Hey Goldie! I’m Torie!” “Hi Torie!” “There’s a rumor going around that you and a Backstreet Boy are dating. Is that true, and if it is, which one?” “All I’m going to say is, you can’t believe everything you read on the Net.” That isn’t technically a lie. You can’t believe everything. I don’t know if I am allowed to tell them, or what. “Last one, S-95.” “Hi Goldie, I’m Stephanie. I just want to know, what is your favorite color?” I love these simple questions. “My favorite color is a dark purple. One wall of my room is dark purple, and I am so proud of it.” I grin. “Well, I wish I could stay, but I’m always pressed for time! I hope you enjoyed the show! ‘Member, keep the Backstreet pride alive!” I wave and jog off the stage. I pass the guys and give them each a low five. Nick gives me a quick peck on the cheek and runs off. Later that night, I am lying on Nick’s bed, watching a movie. He leans over and kisses me. I close my eyes and he kisses my chin. He travels down my throat and I turn away. “Nick, slow.” “Slow.” “I’m not ready.” “Ok, we’ll go slow.” Nick confirms softly. He smiles at me, sweetly. We go back to watching the movie on the hotel’s TV. I start to nod off, but try to keep myself awake. The next morning, I awake to a knocking on the door. I hear the electronic key slide in and the door open. “Nick, Tanya’s missing and--” Kevin stops short when he sees Nick and I in bed together. I bolt upright. “Nick, Nick,” I shake him awake, “wake up, we fell asleep.” I turn to Kevin. “This isn’t what it looks like, we were watching a movie and we fell asleep. Se, the TV is still on.” I try my hardest to defend my position. “I believe you Tan, don’t worry. One problem, the press is right outside the door.” I hit myself in the head, “Great!” “What are we going to do?” Nick asks, fully awake. “I know.” I reach over Nick and pick up the phone. I dial the front desk. “Hello. This is room 315.” I announce using the next door’s number, in my New Yorkian accent. “There is a large racket coming from the hallway, I checked it out and it was the press. Could you tell me who they are here for? Umm hmm...the Backstreet Boys...Never heard of them. Could you please remove the reporters, I am trying to sleep.” I hang up the phone and Kevin gives me a high five. “Smooth work.” “I know.” I answer, acting cocky. Back in my hotel room, I get my stuff together and shower. I towel dry my hair, leaving it soft and curly. I throw on my soft khaki cargo pants, with a brown stripe down the side and a matching brown ribbed shirt. I apply some mascara and lip gloss, and pull my hair into a messy bun. Someone knocks on the door and I open it. “Ready to go to the studio?” Howie asks. “Yep.” I do a double take. “Studio? What studio?” “Regis and Kathie Lee today.” “Why am I always the last to know these things? I need to fix my hair, and--”I pull the scrunchie out of my hair, letting my golden curls fall to my shoulders. “There fixed, now come one.” Howie grabs my arm and drags me out of my room, to the elevator and to the limo. “And now ladies and gentlemen, nevermind, ladies, what you all have been waiting for...the Backstreet Boys!” Regis announces. From the green room (aka the waiting room), I hear the guys begin to sing “I’ll Never Break Your Heart” acapella, soon to be joined by the band. “I’ll give you all of me...honey...that’s no lie.” The crowd explodes. “We will be right back, joined by none other than the Backstreet Diva herself, Goldie Locks.” Backstreet Diva? I raise my eyebrow to Donna, who nods her head as a staff member leads me to the set. I sit between Regis and the Boys. Before I have a chance to say hello... “We back in five, four, three.” Two and one are counted on his fingers. “Hello and welcome back. We are joined today by the one and only Backstreet Boys, alongside, Tanya, also known as Goldie Locks. So, Tanya, how does it feel to be known as the Backstreet Diva?” “I really don’t know.” I answer truthfully. “What do you mean?” Kathie Lee asks. “That is the first time I have ever heard anyone call me that.” “Really? That is what everyone around here calls you.” “Thank you. That means a whole lot. Wow, a diva before I’m legally an adult.” I joke, getting a few laughs from the guys and the audience. “So, Backstreet Boys, how does it feel having Tanya on tour with you?” “Fan-tab-u-lous! I’m talking like her now, great. Tanya, that’s it, your off the tour. Leave!” AJ kids, giving me a you-know-I’m-kidding grin. “No, really. She’s great. She can tell us what looks good-” “Or when my hair looks like I stuck my finger in a light socket.” AJ interrupts Howie. “Which is like what, all the time?” Howie jokes. “No, no, no. Picture this, take away everyone is this groups energy, and hmmm...” Kevin tried to think of the right word, “Spunkiness? And she would still have enough for all of us and more.” “Really. He’s not kidding. She tires Frack and I out, that’s a hard thing to do.” “And Nick? What do you think?” Kathie Lee asks him. “She is...absolutely, undeniably wonderful.” He finishes with a wink for me. “That brings me to another question. This is for all the young ladies out there, are you all single?” “Unfortunately.” “Yeah.” Howie replies, making a puppy dog face. “Let’s put it this way, any women who are interested, dial 1-800-Brian-Needs-Love.” Kevin looks at him as if he were crazy. Nick shakes his head, “Nope.” “You mean to tell us, you are taken?” Kathie Lee inquires. I stare at him, wide eyed. Is he going to tell, I wonder. “Who might the lucky girl be?” Regis joins in. “Let’s just say, she’s absolutely, undeniably wonderful.” Regis and Kathie Lee turn their heads around and stares at me. “You and Nick? An item?” Kathie Lee pushes for details. “I, uh, I--” I stutter, not knowing how to answer. But Nick does. “Yes.” “Sorry ladies, but your dear Nicky is taken. But I’m still here!” AJ jumps in. “Well, thank you for your time But we have to go. The Backstreet Boys will close the show with ‘All I Have To Give’. ” “I don’t know what he does to make you cry, but I’ll be there to make you smile.” Nick croons in his sexy sweet voice of his.