~*~*Chapter Sixteen*~*~

(Back at the hotel) They were all in the girls’ room, watching something on the television, goodness knows what, all of them were sitting in their respective couples, Kev and Shay were sitting on Shay’s bed, Howie and Holly were sitting on the floor next to the TV, deep in conversation about something, not watching the TV at all, AJ and Brianna were sitting on the couch in the far corner of the room, kissing as usual, and Nick and Lauren were cuddled up on Lauren’s bed, Lauren’s arms around Nick’s waist, Nick’s arm around Lauren's shoulder, watching the TV. "Shouldn’t B-Rok be here by now?" Nick asked Kev, he was getting anxious. "Chill Nick, I’m sure he’s just staying at the hospital with Lorraine, no biggie, you really are getting jealous of her aren’t you?" "What makes you say that?" "Oh, nothing, just the fact that you’ve said before that you were jealous, and the fact that you’ve been asking me if he should be here every fifteen minutes for the past three hours" "Oh, sorry Kev. But Lorraine, B-Rok and I worked that out earlier - you were there" "Are you sure you don’t have any left over jealousy towards her?" "Well, maybe you’re right, I’ll talk to them tomorrow, are we going to the hospital to get Lorraine tomorrow?" "I’m sure we are, I think the girls will want to see her" "Okay, I’m off to bed now, see you guys tomorrow" "awwh, Nick do you have to?" "I’d love for you to come with me, but I really am tired" "Okay, see you in the morning - sorry, later this morning" He gave her a kiss that almost caught up to the kiss B and I shared as our 24 hour anniversary! "Woah, go Nick!" shouted Holly, and they both blushed "See you guys" "Bye Nick" they all said as he walked out of the room. "I don’t think he’s tired at all, I think he’s still jealous of Rainey" Shay commented. "I think you’re right there Shay" said Kev. "But they sorted all that out earlier didn’t they?" Lauren questioned "Yes, but I think Nicky-boy still has some feeling deep down that Rainey is going to take B-Rok away from him" AJ answered "No, Rainey would never take Brian away from Nick, from you guys, she’s not like that, I know her, she wouldn’t…no I don’t believe that, I’m going to talk to Nick" "No Lauren" started Howie, "Let him sleep it off, if he still feels this way tomorrow, talk to him then" "You’re right Howie, I’ll let him sleep on it. Speaking of which, I think we should be getting some shut-eye, we don’t want to be late getting Rainey tomorrow" "I’m with ya Lauren" said Kevin, standing up, pulling Howie up with him. "See you later ladies" they said in unison "Bye guys" the girls said together. (in the guys’ room) "Sssh, Nick’s asleep" whispered Howie "Dreamin’ about Lauren I bet!" "AJ! Actually you’re probably right, look at that goofy grin on his face!" "You can practically bet on it D!" The guys quickly got changed and went to bed, rather tired from their day with the girls, they’d had a very hectic day, with visiting me in hospital, and shopping in Glasgow, and the guys had to keep on stopping to sign autographs and pose for photos with fans, pretty exhausting when there’s about 20 fans coming at you every minute, I’m glad that B and I weren’t there, I wouldn’t have been able to get away very fast, with my sprained ankle. Apart from the rain tapping lightly on the windows, there wasn’t another sound from the guys’ and girls’ rooms that night. That was, until Nick had his semi-nightmare. He started talking in his sleep, but as it was really early in the morning, the other guys didn’t hear him. "Mmmm, no, leave him alone - he’s my friend! Frick, don’t go, don’t leave me here! Who will be my best friend now? Ever since she came along, you’ve had no time for me, I never get to see you anymore. Lauren has nothing to do with this, even though I’ve spent a lot of time with her I still always have time for you. C’mon B-Rok, we’re like brothers, we’ve got a special bond….What do you mean you’ve just broken it? Frick! Where are you going? You can’t go" He shouted "FRICK!!!" as he sat bolt upright in bed. Luckily, the guys were fast asleep, and Howie was the only one likely to have heard as he was in the next bed, but nothing came from him but a movement of his head and a faint "Holly". "Good" Nick thought, "If the guys had heard me, the would have given me grief for months over this!" He looked at the clock at the side of his bed. "Damn, it’s only 4:57am! I can’t get back to sleep now" So he went quietly to the shower, quickly used it, and got dressed. He then went and sat on the seat built into the room’s bay window and looked out at the city, even for an industrial town, it was very pretty, the sun just peeking out from behind the Glasgow SECC (which is made of glass, so it was even more pretty - just to give you a nice mental picture). He spent the rest of the night there, thinking about the whole situation, whether or not I was trying to take Brian away from him, whether or not Brian wanted to be taken away. He was confused, he thought he was losing the big bother he always wanted, his best friend. "Why am I so jealous? I know we haven’t seen much of each other, but that kinda couldn’t be helped, with the whole elevator thing, and since he cares about Lorraine, he’s staying at the hospital with her. But he should be here with me, playing Mario Kart like we always do, oh I wish we’d never had the idea of bringing up girls from the audience - mind you - I’d never have met Lauren - again. "But he should be here with me!" he said slightly louder than a whisper into the window, which was now starting to be splattered with spots of rain (typical Scottish weather!!). If you had been looking in that window, and looked at Nick’s sad expression, you couldn’t see the tears gently flowing from his eyes because of the rain on the window pane. Nick actually cried himself to sleep, sitting on the seat in the window, his head tilted sideways, so his left cheek was resting on his knees which he had drawn in and had clasped his arms around, if he had been awake, he would have been looking out of the window. (7:25am) "Hey guys, look at Nick - ain’t he cute?!" said Howie. "Yeah, makes you wish you had Lorraine’s camera don’t it?" answered AJ. "Yo Nick!" AJ shouted in his ear. Obviously this startled Nick, his eyes shot open, his hands unclasped from around his legs, and his head whipped round as he shot upright in the window. Howie had guessed that Nick had been crying, seeing as his eyes were all red and puffy. "You okay Nick?" "Fine. Just fine" he said, getting up, grabbing his jacket and walking out of the room. He wanted to be alone for a while. (in the girls’ room) Lauren hadn’t slept much the previous night, she just knew that something was wrong with Nick, she sat up practically the whole night thinking about it. The other girls were still sleeping, so she grabbed her jacket and walked out of the door. Not knowing each other were going to bump into each other, they were both quite surprised when they opened their doors at the same time. Lauren could see he had been crying, and she rushed to his side. "Nick, are you okay, what’s the matter Hun?" "Nothing, I’m fine, I just need to be alone for a while, that’s all" "Okay, is there anything I can do?" Nick couldn’t take it any more, he clung to Lauren tightly, and let all his tears spill out onto the carpet. "What’s wrong Nick - are you still upset about Rainey and B-Rok?" "Kind of" "Oh Nick! You’re still upset over that? I thought you guys sorted that out yesterday?" "Yeah, but I guess I’m still a little bit jealous of Lorraine, I mean, me and Brian, we spent 24/7 together, playing video games, watching TV, playing B-ball, now I’ve hardly seen him in two days, I miss him Lauren" "Oh, I know you do babe, but as I’ve said before, Lorraine’s not out to take Brian away from you, the girl’s loved Brian since she was thirteen years old, she idolised him, she’s wanted to meet him since the first time she saw him, she’s longed for this so much, to meet him, and she’s ecstatic that he likes her back, she’s waited three years for this, let her have her dream" Nick took a while to think about it, and while he did, he sat down and leaned against the wall. Lauren sat down beside him. "I know you haven’t spent much time with Rainey, but once you get to know her, you’ll know that she’s a really nice girl, not a man-pinching, friend-stealing, stone-hearted, fire-breathing, insensitive and nasty person you seem to have labelled her. Spend some time with her today, get to know her, show her you’re not gonna be one of her enemies, but one of her friends, show her, tell her that you don’t mind her and Brian spending a lot of time together, but you’d like to spend some time with him too, she’s a very understanding person, she won’t be nasty, she’ll see your point of view, promise me you’ll do that?" "Okay, I’ll try" "That’s my boy!" They looked at each other and laughed, quite frankly, at the stupidity of that joke (Sorry Lauren - ol’ buddy, ol’ pal!). They were still laughing when the other guys came out. "What are you two laughing at?" "Nick, you’ve been crying, what’s wrong?" asked Howie and Holly at the same time "Oh, nothing" was their reply in unison, and it sent them into more fits of giggles, for no apparent reason. "C’mon, let’s go and get some breakfast, I’m starving!" "NICK!!!" they all shouted "Sorry guys, I’m hungry, I’m a growing boy!" "Yeah, we know, but into what?" laughed AJ, Nick gave him a hurt look, but it didn’t have the desired effect, the others just laughed at him. "Awwh, someone’s being nasty to my baby? Well, I’ll make it up to you" "And how are you going to……" she silenced him with such a kiss that Brian and me would have been proud of (Lauren - you go girl!!). After that, Lauren helped Nick up (his knees had become suddenly weak - hmm, wonder how that could have happened?!), and they went for breakfast.