After a few minutes of hobbling up the stairs (with a little help from B - little being the right word, he preferred to tickle my sides rather than hold them while I struggled up to Lisa's flat (or apartment, whatever it's called, the stairs are winding aswell, 'cos they were built in like 1900 - so they were cold stone too!), so, hmmm… not very helpful B!! But we finally got there a couple of minutes later, and I rang her actual doorbell. There was a squeal from inside, the guys wondered what it was, but I knew it was Lisa, she was excited because famous people were about to enter her house. There was a bit of scuffling behind the door before Jo and Lisa opened it, Lisa was probably checking her hair or something - which she doesn't normally do, she usually just ties it back, as it's so long, it's halfway down her back, I wish she'd get it cut, not short, still below her shoulder, but my blonde-haired friend is having none of it, she likes her hair the way it is. They opened the door with grins so wide I would never have thought their faces were that big!! "Finally!! My foot's killing me!" I said, hobbling inside, plopping myself down on the three-seater sofa, B not too far behind me, he sat down next to me and started tickling me again, but not so that everyone could see, they could only hear me laughing. "Lorraine, what are you laughing at?!" Lisa asked "Brian's… tickling… me!!!!… stop it… please!!!!" "Lorraine, you're imagining things, Brian's not tickling you!" "Yes he is, you can't see where his right hand is!" "I don't think I want to know!!!" she said, which made Nick laugh, wow, what is it with blonde people?!!! (no offence to anyone blonde!!!) "B, please stop it, my friends already think I'm crazy, I don't want them to have any more evidence!" "Well, if you say so, I'll just have to get you again later!" "If you're lucky - hey, that proves he was tickling me - I'm not crazy!!!" "That's your opinion on the matter Lorraine, we're not so sure!" "Oh thanks very much Jo, what a comfort!" "Ha, don't mention it" "Don't worry, I won't! Anyway, Jo, you already know everyone, Lisa, this is the Brian, AJ, Nick, Kevin and Howie, but you already know that - and that's Holly, Howie's girlfriend, that's Shay, Kevin's girlfriend, over there is Brianna, AJ's girlfriend, there's Lauren, Nick's girlfriend, and you already know me!" "Brian's girlfriend…" Jo said, with a bit of resentment I think, but I'm not sure if she meant to say it because she got a shocked expression when I looked at her. "Yes, Brian's girlfriend" "And she's beautiful!" B said giving me a hug "Awwh, sweet talker - flattery will get you everywhere you know!" "Is that a promise?!" he added with a sly grin, and that famous twinkle in his eye. "Brian!!!" I said, blushing again (that's me, blush machine into overdrive again!), and gently hitting him on the shoulder. "Anyone for food?" Lisa asked "Oh yeah!!" said Nick, AJ, Brian and I "Guys, you just ate at Rainey's house!" Lauren said - she should know the guys eat a lot!! "So?!" we all said again "You're all just as bad as each other - well, I knew about Lorraine, do you guys eat a lot?" Lisa asked AJ "Do we eat a lot? Is my name AJ?" "Yes…" "Well, there's your answer!" "Oh right, so what does everyone want?" "What have you got?" I asked (I always do, it's an ongoing thing with me and my friends, I always ask that) "Umm… crisps, fruit, ice-cream…" "I'll have some fruit, slide over a couple of oranges" I answered "I'll have some regular crisps - I don't know why y'all call chips, crisps." AJ added. "Sorry, I guess we're just freaks!" Jo laughed "I'll have an apple please" said B "I'll have a bit of everything!" you know that had to be Nick! "You are such a pig!" I joked at him, he pretended to look hurt, but he was getting food, so he brightened up pretty quick afterwards! "I remember a certain person challenging me to a food-eating contest, anyone else remember that?!" "Yeah, I do, when are we gonna get round to seeing you do that?" AJ asked "As soon as we get to the hotel, so I don't have to walk far to bed tonight!!!" I answered, laughing because B was making pig noises. "Oink oink!!" "Ha, right back at ya babe!" I said to him, putting my finger on his nose pushing it up. "Hey Frick, the pig look is so you!" "Thanks" "No problem" Lisa and Jo laughed at the stupidity of the conversation, as did the rest of us, but they just seemed to not feel part of the group. "C'mon, let's not keep the hungry masses hungry!" Jo said to Lisa, and they went to the kitchen to get the food. ~~ in the kitchen ~~ "Jo, are you okay?" "No, not really, it's just… seeing Lorraine and Brian, it's a bit hard, that's all" "Well, there's not much you can do about it, Brian seems pretty stuck on Lorraine…" Lisa started to say, but was interrupted by me squealing of laughter because B had taken to tickling me again. ~~ in the living room ~~ "B, stop it, you're killing me!!!" I shouted, laughing my head off. "Oh no, my evil plan is out, what am I to do?!" "Well, you can quit it for a start!" "Oh, I don't know if I can...." "B...." I said, half annoyed "Rain...." B said, in the same tone "Please?" I asked, putting on my best puppy-face "Ha, you know that will get you nowhere!" he said with an evil laugh, and continued to tickle me. ~~ in the kitchen ~~ "Well, they're having fun" Jo said, quite sadly "You have fun when you're with them aswell though" "I know, it's just that, well, oh Lorraine is so lucky, she's going on tuor with them, she's now got a record contract, why can't it be me?" "That's the way it goes, big nose!" Lisa said, trying to make Jo laugh, which it did thankfully. They got the food and came back through. ~~ in the living room ~~ "Brian Thomas Littrell, if you don't stop this right now I'll...." "You'll what?" "I don't know, but it won't be in your favour, that's all I'm saying" "Ooooh, I guess I'd better stop then huh?!" he said, but continued - it was still funny though! "B-Rok, leave her alone, she's about to burst!" Nick cried, but B still carried on, laughing all the time. "You're only doing this because you know I can't get away - no fair!! How about, you stop now, and you can get me again later, how does that sound?" "Well, if you promise...." "Only if you behave yourself though" "Oh, I don't know about that!" "Brian...." "Oh, alright, but only because the food's here" We sat around and talked for a couple of hours, while we finished our food (that didn't take long though, but Nick still finished everything before I had finished both my oranges! After 6pm, Kevin's mobile phone rang, he answered it, and found that Donna wanted us to go to the hotel for dinner, so we had to walk to the end of Lisa's street before they were found out to be there. "Come on guys, Donna's orders, you girls are gonna have to get used to them from now on!" "Oh, okay, if you say so Boo Boo!" I sighed, making everyone laugh " Awwh, Don't call me that!!" he cried, but he was joking "Okay, Train" "That's better Rain" We all stood up (B actually helped me this time!), and made our way to the front door. "Thanks for having us Lisa, and nice seeing you again Jo" B said as he walked out the door backwards, knocking into Howie, which made him knock into Holly, which then made her stumble onto Lauren, who then ran into Nick, who then backed into me, sending me to the floor (once again!). "Oh, sorry Rain!" Nick said, pulling me up "It's okay, it wasn't your fault, I won't mention any names of who it was, but watch where my eyes go...." I answered, looking at B, who was blushing a bit. "awwh, sorry honey, didn't mean to make you blush!" I said, as he made his way over to me. "That's okay, I should've watched where I was going." "Lisa, thanks again for having us...oh, wait, I can't leave with out hugging you guys!!" I hobbled over to them, and hugged Jo first, then Lisa. "I'll call you guys" "You'd better, we don't want you forgetting about all us 'little people', and we don't mean litterally 'little' !!!!" (as I think I've said before, Jo and Lisa are quite small, but not that small, around 5"2' I think). "I know you're only going to be in Glasgow, but I'll miss you!" "I'll miss you too, but I won't forget you, you wouldn't let me!!!! And anyway, I'll be back next week!!" "Oh yeah, I forgot about that!" "Awwh, gee, thanks Lis" "That's alright" After that, we all walked and hobbled down the stairs and down the street to the limo. No-one came up to the guy to ask for autographs or anything, but we did a few weird looks, I did aswell because a couple of guys from school were walking along the road at the end of Lisa's street, and they saw me, first of all on crutches, second of all, with a guy with his hand around my waist - a vaguely familiar guy, they thought they'd seen him on top of the pops, but then thought "Nah, couldn't be, with his arm around Wightman? Never!" (there are a couple of guys at school who call me Wightman, one of whom has a twin sister called Lorraine, so it's probably just to separate us - I don't know). Anyway, we piled into the limo and made our merry little way down the motorway to the guy's hotel, and my home for the next week - I'm not sure about what the others were doing, but I was psyching myself up for the eating contest I was gonna beat Nick in later!! ------------------------------------------------------