~*~*Chapter Fourteen*~*~

Emilie Anne Parker walked in towards her room as the sun shone in through her windows. She threw down her navy blue Tundra schoolbag, while throwing off her parka. She shivered. The weather had been cold that day, but she was fully greatful that that was the day of her last exam, and she was off for the weekend. She pushed her strawberry blond hair back from her face, and turned on her tv, to see Oprah's face. "Emilie, how was your exam?" asked Mrs.Parker, stopping at her bedroom door with a load of laundry. "It was okay," answered Emilie. "I think I did well." "Great," Mrs.Parker answered, and she walked into her room. Emilie laid back on her bed, imagining the wonderful Christmas she had just experienced with Nick. For Christmas, he had given for a beautiful promise ring, and she glanced at the delicate emerald birthstone, as it sparkled. She smiled and had been greatful of the whole month they had gotten to spend together. The guys had jumped into the studio, shortly after Christmas, to get their third album rolling. Oh Nick Emilie thought. I miss you so much. She missed him terribly, and hadn't seen him in over four weeks. They had talked on the phone for over an hour the night before, but it still wasn't the same then spending every day with him. Her best friend, Ariale, was in the same situation. She had just begun dating Brian, and their relationship was fresh and new. Ariale and Emilie often shared stories of romantic dates and butterfly kisses, while Oceane, who sort of dated AJ, talked about how far they had gone, but had stopped before it actually happened. "Emilie, Nick's on the phone," yelled Brandy, her younger sister, and she raced to answer it. "Hello?" she said picking up the kitchen extension. "How are you?" "Hey Em," Nick said, sounding worn out. "I'm tired. How are you doing?" "I'm glad my last exam is over," Emilie answered truthfully, leaning against the wall. "Anyway, how's the studio going?" "To be honest, not very well," Nick replied. "Brian has a cold, and it's hard for him to reach the high note. I think everyone's just fustrated and tired. We've been working on the same song for three days straight, and the producer's still not satisfied. AJ and I just want to escape for good." "Oh, poor Brian," Emilie replied shaking her head. "Don't you get any time off?" "Yeah, this weekend," Nick replied seeming to perk up a little. "Actually, that's why I'm calling..." "What's up?" Emilie sighed hoping it was something positive. "Well, Brian and I were wondering if you and Ariale want to fly down for the weekend," Nick suggested and Emilie stood up shocked. "I mean, we'll pay for your expenses, and you could stay at one of those Disney Motels with us, and we could have a relaxing weekend at Disney. How does that sound?" "Perfect, it sounds absolutely wonderful," Emilie smiled. "I'm sure my parents won't mind." "My mom's greatful we're getting some time off," Nick said. "Well, I'd better go. Talk it over with your parents, and if everything goes according to plan, we can expect you and Ariale in Orlando on Friday afternoon." "Okay, bye Hun," Emilie whispered, as she choked back tears... And on Friday afternoon, at 3 o'clock flight, Ariale and Emilie found themselves on American Airlines Flight #234 headed towards Orlando International Airport from Buffalo, New York. Emilie was wearing a pair of jeans, and a fuzzy white sweater, while Ariale was more conservative with brown Khakis and a green sweater. The pilot called for a smooth airplane ride, as Ariale took some time to catch some sleep, as Emilie thought of Nick. The plane soon landed, and Emilie and Ariale walked off the plane, with smiles of their faces. "This is it," commented Ariale beaming. "We finally get to see Nick and Brian." Emilie nodded in agreement, as they looked around for the boys, but didn't see them anywhere. "I wonder if Oceane wanted to come," Emilie said. "Nick never mentioned her coming to see AJ." "Maybe AJ has a girlfriend and he didn't want Oceane to come down or something," suggested Ariale as they boarded the tram that would take them to the baggage claim area. "You know, maybe he does," Emilie replied gazing at the shining sun. "So, have you talked to Brian?" "Yeah, last night," replied Ariale with a smile. "We read each other our favourite bedtime stories from when we were younger." "Really? That's so cute," Emilie replied smiling as they stepped off the tram. They followed a stream of people towards baggage claim A, and grabbed their bags. They headed out towards the limosine area, not knowing whether Nick and Brian were coming as they were planned, or were going to send a limo to pick them up "We should've just rented a car," Ariale said looking at the Hertz Rent-A-Car stand. "It would've been okay." "Yeah, but we're only 18," Emilie replied. "Don't we have to be 21?" "I don't know," shrugged Ariale, as they noticed a sleek black, stretch limo pull up. Emilie waited, as the driver opened the door, and out stepped Brian, then Nick, and then AJ. Ariale's face lit up at the sight of Brian, and Emilie started to cry. "Hello ladies," AJ said smiling at them. Brian and Ariale hugged, as Nick and Emilie fell naturally into each other's arms. Nick was weaing jeans, a South Park t-shirt, and a Tommy windbreaker. AJ was wearing black pants, a black tank top, and an orange vest. Brian was more conservative in jeans, a nice sweater, and a baseball cap on backwards. "Hey, I missed you," Nick whispered to Emilie pulling her close. "I missed you too," Emilie whispered as their lips met, and they kissed deeply. "Well, are we going to get going yet or what?" AJ asked them and Emilie smiled at him. "Hey Bone," she said smiling at him, and they exchanged hugs. "How's Oceane?" AJ asked her as they got into the limo. "She's okay," Emilie replied sitting down comfortably. "She wished she could have come, but she made all these lame excuses about not being able to come. I figured something must have happened between you two." AJ nodded and looked away. "We sort of had a fight," replied AJ shaking his head. "Don't worry about it though." "I'm sorry," Emilie told him and he nodded. "So, how was your exams?" Brian asked Ariale. "I meant to ask you last night, but-" "Well, algebra and geometry was very difficult," replied Ariale as they snuggled together. "I tried most of the questions, and I think I did okay, but I don't really think I did the best." "You tried though right?" Emilie said. "At least you did that. My exams were a nightmare, but I think I can pull off 90's in my English and philosophy classes, but Geography was awful because my teacher was a loser." "So, you hated your teacher?" AJ asked her and Emilie looked ready to scream. "Beyond a jerk," answered Emilie. "He is a complete moron. I hate him." "So, let's forget about teachers before Em has a heart attack," AJ said and Nick gave him a Look. "Anyway, so, we got seven tracks down on the album." "That's awesome," Ariale said smiling. "How's your throat sweetie?" "It's okay," replied Brian smiling back. "Did I tell you have good you look today?" AJ groaned. "Yeah, but all these zits look so awful," Ariale replied, as they kissed and AJ groaned again. "Bone, I think you should get a girlfriend," Nick told AJ and AJ looked at him. "Yeah, I think I should too," AJ replied nodding. "I mean, I need someone, but I don't want a girlfriend right now. I need a date though. Hey, Em and Ariale, any of your friends need a date?" Emilie laughed. "AJ, I don't think YeoSung or Marnie would date you," Emilie answered smiling. "Thanks a lot," AJ said giving her a fake sad expression. "No, I mean, YeoSung kind of has a boyfriend and Marnie likes Kevin," Emilie replied smiling. "You are way too young for Marnie anyway. So, how's Kev and Howie anyway?" "Kevin's cool," Brian replied. "He's really serious about this third album. He's really involved in lots of the producing of it, and has strong opinions about all the cuts. Howie's okay. His girlfriend Kelly and him just broke up, so he's sort of down." "Poor guy," Ariale commented as Brian and Nick sighed at the same time. "Frick and Frack even sigh together," AJ said and everyone smiled, as the limo driver put down the indicator window in the limo. "Ladies and gentleman, would you like to drop the ladies at the motel or would all of you like to go back to the studio?" the driver asked with a smile. "Well, aren't we done for the day?" AJ asked Brian and Brian sighed. "They wanted us back till six," Brian replied to him. "They want to go over one of the cuts quickly." "Well, you guys go back then, while Ariale and I get settled in and then you can come back and we'll go for dinner," Emilie suggested and everyone agreed to it. Emilie and Ariale got out of the limo to see the Carribean Beach Resort, where they had both stayed when they had come with there with Emilie's parents the year before. They walked past the luggage service, and in towards the motel and stood in line to get their reservations. "Remember this motel?" Ariale asked Emilie as they stood in line. "A little bit," Emilie replied smiling. "All I remember was my 200 pounds frame, being miserable as hell. I feel so much better now. I hope I look okay in that bathing suit I bought." "Well, Em, you looked great then, and you look great now," Ariale smiled and Emilie smiled back at her. Can I help you?" the receptionist asked and they checked in. They then, went in a van, and had their luggage delivered to a room in one of the motel units named Jamaica. They unpacked, showered, as the clock read six thirty when they were all ready. "So, are you ready for a party night?" Emilie asked Ariale as they waited outside on the patio near their rooms for the guys to come. Ariale was wearing a nice silk, flowered skirt, and a green shirt with it, while Emilie had on a nice white dress that had a silk layer underneath, a lacey one with butterflies on it over top. Her hair was down in curls and she had on white sandals. "Definitely," Ariale said smiling. "This is really me and Brian's first official date. The weather is so nice here. I would love to live here." "Tell me about it," replied Emilie. "The weather is always hot and you can go swimming whenever you wanted." "Em, don't you find this relatioship difficult sometimes?" Ariale asked her honestly. "Of course I do," Emilie replied. "I mean, I wish I could see Nick all the time, but before we dated we decided that I was willing to except his life as a Backstreet Boy, and it's been hard, but I cherish all the times we have together. It takes a lot of patience to make a = relationship work, and it's been great so far. How about Brian and you?" "It's hard for me, really hard actually," Ariale answered. "I miss Brian all the time. Maybe it just takes some getting used to." "Yeah, it took me a while," Emilie said. "I mean, I didn't see Nick for over a month in September, but I keep myself busy with other things, and this month has gone by so fast, I can't believe we are one semester from graduating." "Are you taking Nick to prom?" Ariale asked her "Yes, he's all ready arranged to have that night off," Emilie answered. "It's sort of like his prom too. Are you going to take Brian? "I would love to," Ariale replied. "But, sometimes I get the impression that Brian and I won't be together for a long time." "Ariale, Brian is crazy about you," Emilie told her. "I mean, Nick said he talks about you constantly and he missed you terribly as well. He really loves you." "Really?" Ariale said looking very happy. "Of course," Emilie nodded and Ariale closed her eyes, as a dreamy expression crossed across her face. Emilie heard the familiar laugh of Nick, as she turned to see AJ, Brian, Howie, and Nick walk into the place. She noticed that there was two bodyguards with them. "Hello," Nick said smiling at them. "You both look great." "Thanks," Emilie answered as they held hands. "Hi Howie. How are you?" "I'm okay," Howie smiled. "How are you? The guys begged me to come with them. Actually AJ didn't want to be the third wheel tonight, so we are sort of dates for the night." AJ looked at him horrified, as everyone else laughed. "You'd better be kidding man," AJ said to Howie. "Of course I am," Howie kidded and Emilie laughed again. "So, since you two look so nice, we are taking you some place nice," Brian said to Emilie and Ariale. "That sounds nice," Ariale said taking his hand. "Where to?" Howie asked and they suggested Planet Hollywood near Pleasure Island in Downtown Disney. They took a limo there, as they listened to the bodyguards explaining about fans from foreign countries going to be around, and how careful they were supposed to be. When they arrived, Emilie and Ariale stepped out first, as they heard a whistle from a nearby guy. "Hello ladies," he yelled as AJ stepped out and he shut up, and turned around. "That guy's trying to pick you up," AJ said. "Don't worry, I'll kick his butt." "Thanks Zorro," Emilie teased and AJ bowed to her. They headed up towards Planet Hollywood, being able just to go right in. "Hey, this is where we technically had our first date," Nick told Emilie pulling them away from everyone else. "Have I told you how beautiful you looked lately?" "Tell me again," Emilie teased him and he kissed her on the tip of her nose. "Emilie, you are the most beautiful, sexy woman I have ever laid eyes on," Nick said softly. "Sexy? Hmmm," Emilie replied smiling. "Nick, you are the most sweetest, sexiest man I have ever met." "Sexiest? Whoohoo," Nick joked and they both laughed, as Nick kissed her softly on the lips. "Hey you two, come on," AJ said grabbing Emilie's hand and Nick's arm. "We're coming," Nick said shaking his arm lose. They followed everyone in towards the bar area, where the hostess said they would have to wait a few minutes for their table. "What would you like to drink?" Brian asked Ariale as they stood off set from everyone, when she noticed a few guys from 'N Sync or she thought it was them. "Hey Brian, what's up?" asked one of the cute ones with brown hair and brown eyes. "Hi, I'm JC." "Hey," Ariale said smiling at them. "Hey JC, what are you doing here?" asked Brian as he ordered himself a beer and Ariale a Coke. "Lance, Justin, and I decided to go to Pleasure Island for the night," JC answered ordering himself a drink. "Is that your girlfriend?" "Yeah, that's Emilie's friend Ariale," replied Brian smiling. "So, how's your studio time coming?" "Pretty good," answered JC. "It's been interesting. I think everyone is getting restless." Brian nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, Howie, AJ, Nick, and Emilie were talking to each other, when Lance and Justin came over to say hello. Emilie noticed Lance looking at her, and she cringed. Lance had obviously liked her back in September when she had gone to see the guys for thr first time in Toronto, but Nick and her had clicked so well, they had decided to hook up. "Hey," Howie said to them. "What's up?" "Hey," Lance replied smiling. "Nothing much. We just came down for a night off. All those hours in the studio." "We can relate," AJ replied. "The producers want that perfecting effect and I am just so damn tired of it all. I hate the studio. I never liked it, and probably never will." I like the studio, sort of," Emilie commented. "You sing?" Justin asked her and Nick looked at her in surprise. "Yeah, but I'm terrible," Emilie laughed. "I've only done those recording studios in like amusement parks." "What are we waiting for then?" Nick asked her grabbing her hand. "Let's go see a duet at that Superstar Studios in Pleasure Island. It'll be a riot." "Nick, I'm not that good," Emilie protested, but Nick was dragging her, as everyone else laughed at them. "I gotta see this," AJ commented, as Justin followed them as well = leaving Howie and Lance there. "We'll get the table," Howie yelled at them, as JC, Brian, and Ariale watched them leave. "I wonder where they're going," Ariale said. "Who knows?" Brian replied handing her a Coke... "Nick, please don't make me do this," Emilie protested. "I am so bad, that Mouse sings along with me." "Come on Em," AJ smiled as they walked they bought their tickets for Pleasure Island. "I'm sure you aren't as bad as AJ," Justin joked and Emilie shook her head. "Come on, it'll be fun," Nick said and Emilie finally agreed to do it. They walked into Pleasure Island, and practically ran to the studio. "Hey Timberlake, why don't we sing Spice Girls?" AJ asked Justin and Emilie laughed. "No thanks," Justin replied. "So, what would you like to sing?" the girl asked Nick looking at his face and she gasped. "You're- I mean, aren't you Niick..??" "Yes it's me," Nick replied smiling. "Nice to meet you." "Wow, AJ too," the girl said beaming. "Could I have your autograph?" "Sure," AJ answered as Emilie looked over the song chart with Nick. "Which song?" Nick asked her. "Oh Nick, this is going to sound so terrible," Emilie commented as her eyes laid on "Show Me Love" by Robyn. "You want Robyn?" Nick asked her and she nodded. "Okay. We'll sound great together." "Sure we will," Emilie smiled as Justin and AJ flirted with the counter girls. "I'll sound like a dog dying and you'll sound great." "Emilie, you're too much sometimes," Nick laughed as they went into the studio and put on their earphones. "Ready?" the girl asked into their earphones and Emilie nodded. Nick sang first, and it was funny, because he sounded great. Then, he signaled Emilie to start singing, and she sang, as Nick looked at her shock. Her voice wasn't just okay, it was awesome and he had no idea that his girlfriend could sing so well. They finished the song, as they both took off their headsets. "Emilie, you never told me you could sing like that," Nick told her. "You're awesome." "Thanks," Emilie said beaming. "That was fun, but I'm not really great." "Listen to yourself," Nick said as the girl played it over the speakers as everyone heard it. "Nice song Nick," AJ teased as Emilie's voice filled the room. "Emilie, you have a great voice." "Thanks," Emilie replied. "Not that great though." Nick put his arm around her. Justin complimented her voice as well, as girls from outside the studios started coming in because they recognized Nick's voice. They signed a few autographs, and all the girls seemed to be good sports about leaving the guys alone. They headed back to Planet Hollywood, as Justin noticed some of his friends and waved at them. "So, you two have been together for this long?" Justin asked Emilie and Nick. "Usually, your relationships last one week Nick." "Yeah, what's so wrong with that?" Nick asked him and Justin looked taken back. "Nothing, I was just noticing," Justin answered. "Fine," Nick replied. He looked at Emilie, who was noticing the tension between the guys. She sometimes wondered if 'N Sync and the Backstreet Boys got along very well. "Anyway, Emilie, I think you should come on tour with us," AJ suggested. "I mean, you could sing "Show Me Love" with Nick as his solo and all the girls will go wild." "Sure AJ," Emilie smiled as they walked up the stairs towards Planet Hollywood. They walked in to see the place more busier, and noticed Brian, Ariale, Lance, JC, and Howie sitting at a huge table off to the side from everyone "There's everyone," Justin noticed and they sat down. "Where did you go?" Brian wanted to know. "Emilie impressed us with her wonderful singing talent," Nick said as he pushed Emilie's chair in. "You didn't make her do that, did you?" Howie asked him and he laughed. "Do what?" Lance wanted to know. He was crazy about Emilie, and only wished he could get her. He thought she was beautiful, sweet, and nice. It was too bad she was dating Nick. "Nothing," Emilie answered shyly, as the waitress walked over "Wow, hello boys and girls," she said. "I'm Miranda. Welcome to Planet Hollywood." "Hey, didn't you work in Toronto?" Emilie asked her. "Yes, I remember you and Nick," Miranda replied. "How are you doing?" "Great," Nick answered smiling. "Why are you down her and not in Toronto?" "Well, I moved down here," Miranda replied as AJ looked at her with interest. He noticed her luscious long brown hair, nice body, and shining light brown eyes, and would love to date her. "How interesting," AJ flirted and Miranda blushed. "I moved down here with my husband," Miranda pointed out and AJ looked shocked. "So, can I get you anything to drink?" They ordered their drinks as Justin and JC burst out laughing as soon as she was gone. "McLean, burned at his own game," JC laughed and Emilie and Ariale smiled at each other. "So, Emilie, what did Nick make you do?" Lance asked Emilie, obviously eager to hang on her every word. "Bass, none of your business I believe," Nick snapped at him and Lance gave him the evil eye. "How many times do I have to tell you? Emilie is my girlfriend, so get off cloud nine, and realize that." "Whoa, Carter, I was just interested in hearing what you made her do," Lance snapped back and Emilie looked at them in shock. "Lay off Bass," Nick replied angrily. "I know you've talking at Emilie o the guys." "What the hell are you talking about?" Lance yelled at him. Ask your buddies," Nick replied as Emilie looked at Nick. "JC? Justin? What's he talking about?" Lance asked them and Justin seemed to cringe. "Well, man, you do talk about her," JC admitted. "Well, maybe I do find Emilie attractive," Lance said to Nick. "But, she's your girlfriend, and I would never think about taking her?" "Guys, please stop fighting," Emilie spoke up, as tears formed in her eyes. She stood up and walked quickly away from the table. "Nice job Carter," Lance snapped and Nick looked at him. "I'll get her," Ariale replied standing up, and she ran after Emilie. She found her inside the girl's washroom, crying silently. "Ariale, what was that all about?" Emilie asked crying. "I think Lance likes you," Ariale replied getting her some tissues. "I don't like him at all," Emilie replied drying her eyes. "I love Nick. Doesn't Lance realize that?" "I don't know," Ariale replied honestly. "Come on back to the table." "Hold on," Emilie replied as she dried her eyes, but mascara streaks were evident all over her red face. She wiped off her face and headed back to the table to see that Lance, JC, and Justin had left. "Are you okay?" Nick asked her when she sat down and she nodded. "I'm sorry," Emilie said softly. "I just don't like Lance and I don't know why he keeps staring at me." "It's okay," Nick replied wiping a tear off her face. "I shouldn't have yelled at him." "It's okay," Emilie answered as Brian and Ariale looked at them "What happened?" Brian asked Ariale. "Em's just upset about Lance," replied Ariale as Brian kissed her. "She'll be okay." "Yeah well, Lance has no right looking at Emilie anyway," Brian replied. "I'm not too fond of him anyway." "Neither is Nick as I can see," Ariale replied shaking her head...