Chapter Seven

Everyone was sort of quiet as we rode in the limo towards the Skydome. I felt a little uneasy and Oceane looked at me as if to say "What's going on here?". I looked at Nick and I could tell something was bothering him right away and I wish he would just tell me, but of course I didn't want to budge because I had only really known him a little while. We arrived at the motel with still nobody saying a word, as we got out of the limo. "Emilie, we need to talk," Nick said to me as we headed into the lobby. "Okay, where would you like to go for some privacy?" I asked him as I looked at him worried. We walked towards the diner where my parents and I had ate breakfast, and asked for a table for two. We both sat down, ordering Cokes. "Are you okay?" "Emilie, AJ and I talked about this today about you and Oceane," Nick said and I really started to worry. "You know, that we have two Montreal concert dates next week and that you and I will be unable to see each other for a while. It's just that I don't want to lose you, but you have to be willing to except my tour schedule." "Nick, I know that," I answered looking into his baby blue eyes. "I have been thinking about it as well. I have had so much fun the last night and today. I mean, you are incredible and I had no idea that this would ever happen." "Emilie, I've had so much fun as well," Nick replied leaning closer to me. "I just need to know that you are willing to except my lifestyle. You can't expect to see me all the time because I'll be touring. We may only see each other a few weeks a year, but we can call and write letters. We can make it work." "Nick, I know we can," I replied looking into eyes. "But, are we going to have a relationship or just be friends?" Nick looked at me and sighed heavily. "Em, what do you want?" he asked me sipping his Coke. "Do you want a relationship?" "Of course, Nick," I replied. "I don't want to lose you. I would love to be friends, even if nothing more happens. What happens if you meet a nice girl on tour or you feel lonely for me? I would never want you to wait to see me. If you really liked her, it wouldn't bother me that you went with her." "Emilie, you have to understand, I have never met someone as caring, as sweet, as lovable as you," Nick replied softly taking my hands in his. "I don't want to lose you. Not now. Not ever." "Nick, I feel the same way," I whispered back as electricity shot through me like a warmness I had never experienced before as he held my hands. Was this love? I don't know because I've never been in love before. "I don't want to lose you either." "So, how about we spend tonight together?" Nick asked me. "Maybe we can do something, just you and me?" "That would be nice," I replied smiling. "I am totally here for you Nick. I support you in everything you do and being a Backstreet Boy is so awesome. Maybe I can replace Ginger Spice and we'll be all set." Nick laughed out loud and I giggled too. "Back to being serious, Em, would you like to be my girlfriend?" Nick asked me and I looked at him in shock. I have only dreamed of dating Nick, not having any idea that it could ever come true. I felt a tear form in my eye and I smiled. "I would love to," I whispered softly. "Oh, Nick, this is so wonderful. I have never experienced this before and it feels so, so-." "Like you can conquer the world?" Nick suggested. "Yes," I laughed sitting back. "I can climb every mountain, walk across every sea, and have a great boyfriend." "Great, Em," Nick said laughing. "I feel the same way." We smiled at each other as out of the corner of my eye, I saw Oceane storm away from AJ angrily... Nick and I got up, as I paid for the Cokes and we walked out of the restaurant. I saw some people in the lobby staring at us, but we ignored them, heading up to the pent house floor where Aashna, Exan, and Leslie were going to interview the guys. "Our first elevator ride as a couple," Nick said and I laughed. "You are so funny," I said as Nick grabbed my hand. We walked up to the apartment where they were going to have the interview, holding hands and everyone stared at us when we walked in. "It's about time," Brian teased and I blushed. "Sorry everyone," Nick said. "We were having a drink, and lost track of time." "I'll say," Howie teased as I looked at AJ and didn't notice Oceane nowhere in sight. He looked sort of down, and I saw Howie trying to find out what was going on. I decided maybe I could help him. "I'm going to see if AJ'll talk to me," I told Nick and he nodded. He walked over to Brian. "So, did you tell her?" Brian asked Nick. "Yeah, she understood fully," Nick replied smiling. "B-rok, we're going out. I asked her out." "I'm happy for you man," Brian replied giving him a quick friendly punch. "Emilie's great." While they were talking, I walked over to AJ as I sat down beside him on the couch. His head was in his hands as Howie tried to talk to him. "Maybe you'll have more luck," Howie said to me and I nodded. "He's all yours." "AJ, are you okay? Please talk to me," I said softly. "Emilie, why does it always end up this way?" AJ asked me looking up. "How come every time I meet a girl I really like, I always freeze up and tell her I don't want to see anymore? Why is that?" "Are you nervous about getting into a serious relationship, AJ?" I replied. "I don't know, Em," AJ answered back. "Maybe it's because I know we'll never be able to see each other and what if I meet someone else on tour? I don't really think I want something serious right now with Oceane." "See AJ, you just figured it out," I answered smiling at him. "You said you didn't want anything serious right now and you have lots of time to find someone you truly love." "You're right," AJ replied. "Do you think Oceane will be okay?" "She'll be fine," I answered as we stood up. "Don't worry so much about it, believe me, Oceane will always be around if you ever want to talk to her or something. Maybe you should talk to hwer before you leave tomorrow though." "Thanks Em," AJ said squeezing my hand as I saw Aashna and a cameraman walk in. "Hey Aash," Brian said when he saw her and they gave each other a hug. "Hello guys," Aashna said. "I'm so glad to see all of you." They all hugged her and I smiled. "Em, come here," Nick said motioning me over and I walked over to them. "Aashna, meet my girlfriend Emilie." "Hi, Emilie," Aashna said giving me a bright smile. "Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you as well," I answered shaking her hand. "I watch your show every week." "Cool," Aashna said smiling. "Well, boys, we'd better hurry with this interview because I know you all have things to do." They all set up and I sat back on a nearby couch, as they settled down naturally to take the interview. It was fun to watch them. "Lights, camera, action," said the director. "Welcome to the back to the Hitlist and here I am interviewing the Backstreet Boys the day after their Toronto concert," Aashna said to the camera. "So, guys, how did the concert go?" "It was a great concert," Howie answered. "The crowd was pumped as much as we were and it was a great night." "Any hopes of coming back to Canada soon?" Aashna asked. "Of course," Brian replied. "We love Canada and our fans, and we'll back as long as you love us." "Great," Aashna replied. "So, Leslie receives so many letters about the question, who is your dream girl? What is she like? Can you answer that for all your hopeful fans?" "Well, I like someone who's got a good head of her shoulders and knows what she wants in life," Kevin said. "Same here," Brian agreed. "Someone who's considerate, nice with others, maybe smart." "Good sense of humor is also a factor," AJ said. "How about you Nick?" Aashna asked him winking at me. "Well, someone who's sweet, kind, and nice," Nick answered smiling widely at me. "So, do any of you have girlfriends?" Aasha wanted to know. "You've been in Canada now for three years and you've never mentioned girlfriends." "We date," Aj replied honestly. "I have met many girls that I like, but it's very hard to have a relationship with our schedules." "I've met someone special," Nick said. "Oh no Nick, you aren't single anymore?" Aashna replied. "Yes that's true," Nick answered. "I met someone I really love." "Oh Nick, you are so romantic," Brian teased him and I laughed, and also melted at the same time at what Nick said. Was it true? Did a guy really love me? The interview lasted about five more minutes and when it was all over, Nick came over to me and sat down beside me. "So, how did we do?" Nick asked me with a smile. "Awesome," I answered laughing. "That was sweet of you to say about me." "Well, it's true," Nick replied putting his arm around me, pulling me close to him. "How about we go out for that date now?" "I'm game," I replied. "But, maybe I should go see if Oceane's okay first." "Go ahead," Nick replied as I stood up. "I'll see you in ten, okay?" "Sure," I answered and I said bye to everyone, walking towards the elevator. I got on and rode up towards the third floor, walking towards our motel room. I opened it to see Oceane watching television and it was evident she had been crying. "Hey." "Hi," she replied avoiding my eyes. "Where were you?" "At the interview," I answered looking at myself in the mirror. "Why didn't you come?" "Aj's an asshole, that's why," Oceane snapped. "I can't believe he led me on, and just dumped me out of nowhere. I hate him." "Oceane, maybe he doesn't want to get involved because you'll never see each other," I replied back sitting on my bed. "Whatever," Oceane replied stubbornly. "AJ McLean no longer exists in my mind. Anyway, what about you and Nick?" "Oh, we're going out," I replied back. "Maybe you and AJ should talk." "I won't talk to that bastard," Oceane snapped back. "Never ever." "Fine," I replied. "But, don't assume before you hear him out, okay? Promise me?" I heard a knock on the door. I looked through the peep hole to see Nick and AJ standing there. "How is she?" Aj wanted to know when I opened the door. "So far, she's only called you a bastard," I replied. "Come in, and talk to her." "Okay, thanks Emilie," AJ replied. "We'd better go," I told Nick shutting the door behind me quickly. "So, where shall we go, my lady?" Nick asked me playfully taking my hand. "Wherever you would like to," I answered smiling. "How about Planet Hollywood?" "Sounds good to me," Nick replied and we laughed as we headed over to Planet Hollywood. We arrived to see some young girls there, as Nick put on his hat, and we walked straight up to the hostess. He told the hostess who he was, and she was more than happy to seat us right away. "This is just one of the many fine privelages of being a Backstreet Boy." "What are the other ones?" I asked as we sat down. "Of course, getting the oppurtunity to meet beautiful woman," Nick flirted and I laughed. "Where? Where are they all?" I asked innocently. "Sitting right in front me," Nick answered and I smiled at him. "You don't mean me, do you?" I replied flirting. "Who else is the most beautiful woman in the world?" Nick answered and I melted right there. "Ah, that's so sweet of you to say, Nick," I replied and Nick smiled. "Well, this is for you," Nick replied and he handed me a pink rose. "Oh wow, it's beautiful," I complimented. "Thanks so much, Nick. You are so wonderful." "You're welcome," Nick said. "Now come here, so I can give you a hug." He leaned over and gave me a sideways hug, and then kissed me softly on ths lips and my eyes opened in surprise. That was my very first kiss. "Wow," I mumbled. "That was amazing." "Yeah it was," Nick answered and he put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. "Hello lovebirds," the waitress said to us. "My name is Miranda and welcome to Planet Hollywood. Wait a minute, aren't you one of those Backbeat Boys?" "Backstreet Boys, yes I am," Nick answered. "Omigosh, I'm sorry," Miranda laughed. "Cool, so what would like to drink?" "Want a milkshake?" Nick asked me and I said sure. "Okay, one chocolate milkshake with two straws please." "One chocolate milkshake coming up," Miranda replied and Nick looked at me. "Now, I want to know everything about you," Nick told me. "Your likes? Your dislikes? Everything.: "Well, hmm, I like Winnie the Pooh, my dog, and Danielle Steel novels," I replied smiling. "I dislike snobs, salads, and vegetables." Nick put his nose in the air and I laughed. "You have a big family?" Nick asked me. "Yep, I have many siblings," I replied. "I am in My OAC year at school and I also volunteer as a candystripper and a girl guide leader. Nothing much more about me. I am pretty boring." "You are not boring," Nick assured me as our milkshake arrived. "So far, you're incredible." And I looked into his eyes and smiled...