~*~*The Mill*~*~
Welcome to The Mill. This is where you can read about
what the passersby of the Mill have said to the millers
that work here. Beany will add his comments after the rumor.
Beany and the millers want to remind you that these are
just rumors and are to be taken with humor
Check out the rumor on this page about Becky. I'm not gonna even say
a word about it!!Backstreet Online
Brian Rumors
- Brians has a girlfriendI'm not even gonna discuss this one but
only say that it is *tear drip* true...
- Brian is engaged according to YTVNope. When he was on a
show called "the View" he was asked point blank and he said no
he wasnt
- Brian is dead. During his surgery in May he died when
they overdosed him with anethesia. ~Now this one Beany
seriously laughed out loud. It is amazing what dead people
can do, especially when he just began his US tour!
- Brian is dating a girl named Leanne ~People have asked
is this Leanne Rimes? Beany doubts it considering she is 15
and Brian is 23.
Nick Rumors
- Nick went into a fitting room put on a bra and jumped out
screaming "I'm to sexy for my bra..."Now, who made this crazy rumor
up? Nick if you really did do this, you either have a brave sense of
humor or you need some serious mental help!!
- Nick is dating a girl named Holly, they met when they
were little and she moved to Ohio and now they are dating.
~OK, first of all, dont fret Nick lovers, this could
be true but maybe not. After all, why would he choose to
just all of a sudden up and date a girl that moved when he
was little? Besides that, when has Nick been around Ohio?
Dont worry girls
- Nick is dating a girl named Sarah Ward. ~For the
bizillioth time, Nick and Sarah are BEST FRIENDS!!! Beany
is not going to go through this again.
- Nick is dating a girl that he met at a BSB
concert on September 24, 1997 in Wilkes Barre, PA and he
went to her prom.Beany dont think so. Becky was at that
concert and she didnt see anybody around Nick considering that
she got to go backstage. You can read about her concert review
in the Parlor
- Nick is gayNo Nick is not gay. Nick has brought many
girls to the Castle to see Beany. I repeat, Nick is not gay!
Kevin Rumours
- Kevin is dating a girl he met a show in North Carolina. Her name is
Dawn.Well, this one could be true, but even if it is, he is dating her
not married to her. Beany thinks that kevin probably dates alot of girls
- Kevin is married~No ladies Kevin is not married.
Beany sees no wedding ring and no wife would let her man
not wear his wedding ring
- Kevin has 3 kids~and let Beany ask a question, when
did he have time to make these kids?
AJ Rumors
- Aj has a girlfriendOnce again, *tear* This is true...
- AJ is back with Marisa again~Beany doesnt know, its
a possibility, but then, why would he have broken up with
her only to get back together, that's dumb!!
- AJ is bald again~This rumor is true. AJ cut all his
hair off and is bald
Howie Rumors
- Howie is dating Sonia Benz..~Beany dont know, but
she is ugly. No offense if anyone likes her.
Group Rumors
- They have girlfriends~No way, they do not have
girlfriends Beany can guarantee you that. They dont have
time and Beany wouldnt want to be left behind and the
boys dont want to do that to their girlfriends. I will
remind you that they do date, but they dont have girlfriends.
- BSB is all gayBeany thinks whoever made this up
must not like BSB. They are NOT GAY!!!
If you have any rumors to pass on to the millers please
write Beany and Beany will let them know.