
Beany has a friend who is a senior in high school that likes the Backstreet Boys. She visited the castle and left this next to her launchair by the pool along with this picture. Hope you like it!!

Becky writes

You know your obsessed when:

  1. You refer to the Backstreet Boys as "My Boys"
  2. You refer to Nick, Howie, Brian, AJ, or Kevin as your "future husband"
  3. Your sick enough to learn HTML and create a webpage for them
  4. Your friends, even though they dont like BSB, know at least one of their songs lyrics by heart
  5. You know where the boys are at any given day
  6. Cant go a day without singing a BSB song
  7. Cant go a day without bringing up BSB
  8. You are going to more than 2 of their concerts, even if you have to drive 2 hours
  9. Your friends run around the halls screaming "Am I Sexual?"
  10. At the school talent show, a group of senior boys dress up as the Backstreet Boys and sang to you(No joke- this would have happened if the show hadnt been cancelled
  11. Your real pissed if you miss them on TV and almost break down into tears.
  12. one of the senior boy basketball players busts out into "Quit Playin' Games" at almost every lunch period cause you talk about them so much(this happened too)
  13. drag your best friend to a BSB concert even though she'd rather be burnt at the stake
  14. Run your printer out of ink printing out pics of BSB and make your parents really mad
  15. Only to plaster them on your wall and get deeper with the folks
  16. You have a pic of BSB on every wall of your room
  17. Actually have to take back your BSB CD because it wore out
  18. Constant update of Nick's hair
  19. Plan your weekly schedule around BSB TV appearances
  20. You call the radio stations daily just to hear BSB
  21. You freak out and tape every song, appearance, or moment that you hear BSB
  22. Its official-your parents think you are clinically obsessed with BSB
  23. You got your friends actually to like BSB(THanks to Jennie for these last four comments
  24. You dream about them every night! (very common!)
  25. You know every single word of every single song, plus the order in which the songs appear on the cd! (that's me!)
  26. You watch all the videos until they wear out! (everyone does this!)
  27. You fight with your friends over a boy! (ex: "A.J's mine !" "No, he's mine!)
  28. You've filled up an entire album with pics of the boys! (been there, done that!)
  29. You've adopted your fav boy's favorites! (ex: your fav color is yellow simply cause it's AJ's fave!)
  30. You have your own private nickname for each boy! (ex: Howie is winker!)
  31. You wear a necklace similar to AJ's day and night! (guilty!)
  32. Every time you see a basketball, you think of Brian! (yup!)
  33. Every time you see the golden arches, you think of AJ! (very true!)
  34. You refuse to eat anywhere except McDonalds! (even AJ eats other kinds of food ocassionally!)
  35. You go to Florida and look for the boys houses! (good luck!)
  36. You fastforward and rewind your videos so many times that you know every single word, expression, and action of every single boy! (always!)
  37. You have so many pics of them that you don't even remember what color your walls used to be! (white, i think!)
  38. You claim to be Nick's roomate, when everyone knows he still lives at home! (i've heard of a girl who did this!)
  39. You legally change your last name to one of the boys! (ex: Karen McLean!)
  40. You claim you own your fav boy, and if anyone says they love him, you threaten them! ( someone emailed me a threat!)
  41. Every 6' blond haired blue eyed boy reminds you of Nick! ( all the time!)
  42. You bought a dopey doll just because AJ has one! (i keep it on my bed :)
  43. Any words that even slightly resemble Backstreet Boys sets an alarm off in your head, or you misread it! (ex: Back to school bags- at a quick glance you think it reads Backstreet Boys!)
  44. You send AJ your parents wedding rings! (already been done!)
  45. You climb over a barbed wire fence to sneak into their hotel room! (also already been done!)
  46. You have so many pics on your walls and ceiling that you have to pull up your carpet and start putting them on your floor! (never actually seen this!)
  47. You would sell your own grandmother to meet any one of the boys! (hey, admit it, you would!)
  48. You constantly go online pretending to be AJ's sister even though he is an only child! (has been done!)
  49. You get an exact tattoo replica as your fav boy has! (ouch!)
  50. You buy bikini, bright green underwear and get your older sib or best friend to lock you out of the house so that you can empathize with Nick! (lol!)
  51. You stop plucking your eyebrows in an attempt to grow them like Kev's! (gross!)
  52. You grow the same facial hair as your boy even though you're female! (ewww!)
  53. Instead of an imaginary friend, you have a BSB member! (ex: "Come on Howie, lets go for a walk!" then proceed to walk arm and arm with him down the street!)- time to go get help!(THanks Karen for these last 30 obsessive comments!!)
That's all for now. If you have anything to add email Beany
Write to Beany