*~*~The Stables~*~*

It's amazing what information the horses will give you if you just listen. Here you try and see what they will tell you.



February 13th, 1999

WOW! What a Pay Per View event! Although the beginning was a little devastating. If you watch you see miss Leighanne with her arms wrapped around Brian and then you look to the left and you see Nick's arms around some girl. Rumors have spread that this young lady is BJ or Nick's girlfriend. I put up a picture of BJ. So who is it? You tell me.

Check out AJ's house! It's new and he just moved into it. Rumors are saying that Amanda lives with him although Denise Mclean cleared up the pregnancy rumor today in the Orlando Sentinel from what I understand.

February 4th, 1999

PHew! What a long two months it has been and I am happy to be back. There is so much to add. The Boy performed at the AMA's and came up empty handed. Although their labelmates(and some say arch rivals), N Sync came up with one award. Then BSB turned right around to perform their own New Years Eve concert in Orlando. BSB surprised us all by quickly signing as the opening for Shania Twains concert. I heard some rumors of Shania having a hissy fit because most of the audience was there and screaming for BSB and not her. On little Nicky's Birthday, BSB played in a charity basketball tournament, of course they won. Finally, BSB appeared at the NHL all star game, performing the national anthem although most of it they got booed because of the crowd being mostly men. Guess what girls. BSB's new album "Millenium" is coming out on May 18! The first song of the CD will be out in early March! Finally.

Girlfriend News

I assume most of you would like to know about this. Well, if you look during the part at the AMA's when AJ sings the last "Rock Your Body..." They give you a shot of the crowd. Leighanne and a mystery blond are in the front row. Now, people were assuming all sorts of things, especially the fact that this young lady was with Nick. Not less than a week later, Bravo Magazine turned up an article that said Nick was interviewed and he was "very much in love." But Bravo has been notorious for starting crazy rumors, like the one last year that said the Boys' were breaking up which caused mass hysteria in Europe. However, this same blond was seen at the Charity Basketball Game in Miami with Leighanne wearing a red bandana and in Nick's Jeep on the way out. Does Nicky have a girlfriend? Hmmmm....... At the New Years Eve Concert Leighanne and Amanda(Aj's Girlfriend, who is now rumored to be pregnant with AJ's child) were spotted in the VIP section with most of BSB's family. Fans were extremely annoyed because most of the attention was toward this area. Some fans even got a few pictures with Leighanne and Amanda which I have posted here. Nick's mystery blond was also seen with Nicks new little puppy and when fans shouted the name "MANDY!," she answered. But no pictures that I have seen were taken of her yet. I also put up some more pictures of Leighanne and Brian together at various places. By the way I recieved this picture....who is that Kevin?

December 14, 1998

Not much to add today. I got three wav's of stuff from the Boys' new album although because of copyright laws i am not allowed to post em so if you want them email me. I heard rumors that Brian and Leann broke up but I guess not since she was at the Billboards with him. "I Love you BABy!!" is what AJ said at the podium accepting their award. I guess him and Amanda didnt break up either. ON the lighter side of things. TYKE WAS AT THE BILLBOARDS!! You know Brians dog from the INBYH video. Not much else to add except I'll be posting another pic of Leann and Brian at the airport soon!!

October 26, 1998

OK, I got alot more news. I found an article in US Magazine that said Nick has a girlfriend!! You can read it, it's after the teen people article at the bottom of my main page. Secondly, i know who it is. A girl named Mandy fromt the group Innosense. But rumor has it that the two broke up(Mandy's doing) because of differences. I also got another picture of Leann and Brian during the ALAYLM taping and a picture of AJ's girlfriend Amanda. BSB has a new video coming out in Europe and Canada called "A night out with Backstreet." Release is set for November 10th. Cd Now is taking advanced orders for a new CD called "Star Profile." Could that be the new album we have been waiting for. HMMMMMM....While at a press conference in Argentina, Kevin was presented with Underwear!! It was given to him by a bunch of fans there. For those of you that give the boys gifts at concerts, beware....I found this article that you might want to read...

Backstreet Boys fans beware - gifts to your heroes could wind up in the clutches of hot-handed security guards. A long time fan of the singing-and-dancing Orlando-based quintet, who was at the concert yesterday afternoon at the Molson Amphitheatre, she said she saw some itchy-fingered security guards rifle through presents intended for the Backstreet Boys. "They were like kids in a candy store," said Melissa Harlos, 16, or Brantford, who allegedly saw security guards stealing gifts meant for the five performers from faithful fans. She alleged she saw the security staff claim a stuffed bee, a silver necklace and a gold heart and put them in their pockets. And she said all the love notes attached to the gifts were just tossed into the garbage. Cam Carpenter, spokesman for the Backstreet Boys' record company BMG records, said that stuffed animals and some gifts are usually given to charities and hospitals. A risk protective Management Security spokesman said the band had given security permission to keep everything but the stuffed animals.

When I wrote about Brian and AJ's girlfriends at the MTV music awards I recieved an email from two friends of mine that went to the arthur ashe day festival in New York in August. Low and behold, who did the girls see? Brian's girlfriend. But this is what shocked me, SHE SMOKES!!!! BSB are such advocates against smoking and there she was in public view smoking. Little Nicky is sick!! If you watched total request you would see that Nick was missing, it turns out that he was extremely sick. Get well soon Nicky!!

September 28, 1998

Well, I dont have much to add except for the appearances. I know who AJ's girlfriend is now. If you ever heard of the group called Innosense?? It is the girl named Amanda, whoever she is. I still think she could have gone with a more conservative dress for the MTV awards. Also, I have a secret source(actually his name is Eric and he is the bus driver for all of BSB's stage equipment) that says the Backstreet Boys are planning an American tour as early as March 1999!!! But that's only if the album goes well, so please buy it girls!!! On the lighter side of things here is a pic of Kevin when he walked the runway for Donatella Versace in Milan, Way to go Kev!! Thanks Noreen for the pic!!

September 21, 1998

ON the Mtv Video Music awards, guess who won best group video. I will leave that up to you!!!! I guess you all know that Howie's sister Caroline, died sunday september 13, 1998. My thoughts and prayers go out to that whole family. I went to the York Fair concert on September 15 and Howie wasnt there. It was weird. I know you guys all saw the Video Music awards and are thinking "AJ's hair is that greenish blue now right??" WRONG!!! Girls it is back to blond!!! That was the official color on September 15. Speaking of these Awards, i know you all watched regis and kathie lee and found out about the *EHEM*....girlfriends. Well guess what....THEY ARE THERE AT THE AWARDS. Ok if you have it taped....watch when they go up to accept their award. Watch AJ...the girl in the skimpy black outfit that jumps on him is his girlfriend!!! Now...rewind...watch the left side of the screen, see the hoochie in the purple belly top with the long blond hair, that's Brians. Speaking of here are three pictures of her. I dont condemn brian or aj at all for dating them but guys....next time could you pick them out an outfit that would look a little more conservative for national television THANKS!!!

September 4, 1998

Well, I guess most of you now know that AJ was injured at a concert in Canada. He had a torn ligament in his leg because someone threw a stuffed animal up onstage and AJ tripped over it. But less than a week later he was up and about cause I saw him. The big news, I'm sure most of you know, is that Brian and AJ have girlfriends!!! A proven fact, since they admitted it on Regis and Kathie lee. But dont fret girls, they're not married, so you can still go for it. And to all you Nick fans, WOO HOO, he's not taken!!! On the sad side of things Denniz Pop died on August 30th, 1998. Our condolences to the music world and BSB.That's all for now

August 11, 1998

Ok, thanks to a whole bunch of emails answering this question. Nick did not draw those pics. A guy named Shahiv Ali drew them. So thanks to everyone for answering this question!!! Last night, they had on MTV's 15/15 they had a special little skit about BSB and Brians surgery. It turns out that Brian was only supposed to be in surgery for 45 minutes but instead was in for 2 1/2 hours because the doctors found another hole in his heart that nobody knew about!!! No wonder Kevin, almost cried at the world music awards. Secondly, the talked about solo careers, even though the band said none were in the horizon, Nick was handed a 200 page script of a movie that he would have starred in. But BSB is still together and have no plans of separating in the near future. That's all for now

July 29, 1998 July 24, 1998 July 19, 1998
write to Beany