~*~*The Dungeon*~*~

Down in the deep, dark depths of the dungeon lives the creator of this castle. Her name is Becky. We let her out occasionally. Here is somethings that you might like to know about her.

Well, let's see. I have been in love with the Backstreet Boys for a little over a year now, ever since I saw QPG. I have a fetish for blondes and that's why I like Nick the best and that's why I was so picky about what pictures went into his picture gallery. Physically I am 5'8, 118lbs, long brown hair, and green eyes who enjoys cheerleading and the ocean and hates school. She would much rather be sitting in front of this computer. I was crazy enough to come up with this cornball idea and crazy enough to learn html at 17. But thanks a bunch to my family, who had patience to listen to me moan about not understanding things. And now its up and I love getting feedback from you all so "Write Beany" and tell me about what you think. By the way, I live in Pennsylvania, just in case you'd like to know. AND I'M EXTREMELY SINGLE!!! for any of you that have brothers out there.