~*~*My Room*~*~
This is my favorite place in the whole house. This is
my room where you get to ask me questions. So if you
have any questions about the boys that you would like me
to answer write to Beany
Where do you get your rumors from? How do you comfirm that they are true?I confirm
what is true by what I hear from other people, amongst other ways. But mostly I confirm that
they are not true at all. Hope that helps
I'm confused about this you say your a big bsb fan and yet you put anti-bsb sites up? what's up with that? I love your site but that's the only thing that bothers me. I know it's your site and you can put anything up, but I don't get why. I don't feel comfortable putting my e-mail address on here so can you just put your answer on your site if you choose to answer that is. Thanks!
First of all, before you start Bashing Beany and yelling at him about
putting up anti-bsb sites let me tell you something. By getting traffic
into these you get more complaints to the editors(tripod, angelfire, geocities)..
and by doing this you have a chance to shut them down because it is one of
the big rules:NO BASHING OTHER PEOPLE ON YOUR WEBPAGE!!!It's just not allowed!!
Question: "I read the story in the Master Bedroom, its great
but what I want to know is who is Emilie and is she really dating
OK, I knew this one was coming eventually. Emilie is a friend
of mine from Ontario, Canada. She wrote that story as a tribute to
The Make a Wish Foundation and children with cancer. The key word
here girls is WROTE!!! As in fiction. She likes writing stories so
please dont email me hate mail about this story saying it is not true
(Believe me, I have already gotten two letters saying this)and that Nick is single cause you know what, your right he is single!!
So calm down girls, its fiction, and a great story at that. Thanks again
Question: How can I make a web page like this one???
I get this one alot. Well, your best bet is to go out
and get yourself a book on HTML. The one I got was "HTML
for Dummies" and I found that it helped me alot. Then you
find a server(such as angelfire) and that's it. It's
really hard in the beginning but you'll get the hang of it~Beany
Write to Beany